
FormatSeconds - XpressDox

If you have calculated (or been supplied) an elapsed time in seconds, then you can format that into a nicely legible format without having to divide by 60 for minutes, etc. «FormatSeconds('3675','HH:mm:ss')» will render as “01:01:15” Another example would be: «ChooseUsingTimePicker(StartTime)» «ChooseUsingTimePicker(EndTime)» The time I spent was «FormatSeconds(SecondsBetween(EndTime,StartTime),'HH:mm:ss')» You could make...

PaintInsertedText - XpressDox

The command searches the template for any fillpoint which directly inserts text into the assembled document, and “paints” it with the specified color.   Command structure: «PaintInsertedText(Yes,Blue)»   Examples of usage: «PaintInsertedText(Yes,Red)» «Owner» (“Owner”) agrees to rent the property situated at «Property_Address» to «Renter» (“Renter”) for the term of this...

PositionOfRepeater - XpressDox

Please note that with effect from version 11.3, this function has been superseded by the RepeaterPosition function. For backward compatibility the use of PositionOfRepeater is supported, but is discouraged. Consider the commands OnExitSet and OnEnterSet. These commands are only executed during the lifetime of the interview, and also contain conditions...

RemoveColumnIf - XpressDox

Remove a table column in your XpressDox template if a certain condition is true. It is almost impossible to think of a way to tell XpressDox to include a column in a Word table using «If(condition)» and «End()» to delimit the column boundaries. Now it is a straightforward process of putting the...

ShowHidden - XpressDox

XpressDox has a powerful Relevance Engine which hides or shows controls (those areas where data for data elements are captured) on the interview. Take the following snippet: «ChooseFromRDBList(PartyType,Individual,Company)» The party is: «Name» and the «If(PartyType = ‘Individual’)»Identity Number is «IDNumber»«Else()»Company Number is «CompanyNumber» and Discount is «Discount»«End()» If the user chooses ‘Individual’...

Reporting on template usage

XpressDox now provides a formal reporting module in the Cloud, however if you would like to build your own reporting system it can be done as follows:   XpressDox can be configured to record every usage of a template, giving the date and time it was run, along with the...