XpressDox Support

Force saving of merged documents – XpressDox

When the file name of the merged document is provided either in the configuration, or using the «SetSavedDocumentFileName()» command, then XpressDox will save that merged document regardless of whether or not the user checks the Save Merged Document? check box on the data capture interview for that template.

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Trouble shooting Conditional Capture

Conditional Capture can sometimes result in unexpected behaviour, where data elements either are unexpectedly removed from the data capture interview, or appear on the interviewwhen they shouldn’t. This recipe gives some tips on how to trouble shoot these situations.

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Trouble shooting Ends and Elses

In complex templates, the balancing of End and Else commands with the matching If or ForEach can become difficult. This recipe explains how to use the Template Painter and the Debug command.

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CaptureLater – XpressDox

When a template is run, XpressDox constructs a data capture interview which is guided by the XpressDox merge fields which are coded in the template. The CaptureLater command is one of the commands which can be used to influence this.

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The concat function – XpressDox

There are times when it is necessary to concatenate the values of data elements, variables and/or hard-coded strings together to form a value which is then stored in a variable. The concat function does this.

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The term “relevance” refers to the algorithms used by XpressDox to determine whether the control to capture a data element in the interview should even appear in the interview. In the simplest case, the fillpoint

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Troubleshooting missing pictures in documents

Normally pictures, logos, etc., are handled without problems by XpressDox. But sometimes the pictures go missing from the merged document and are replaced by a red X in a box. This recipe discusses why this can happen and gives some advice on how to correct the situation.

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Advanced Conditional Logic

Suppose you would like to write a sentence something like one of the following, depending on the age of a child: My child <ChildName> is a teenager and is allowed to watch movies rated for 13

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The GT and LT functions

Sometimes it is syntactically impractical to use the characters < and > in a particular context. For example, you might want to use a Dynamic Caption which is something like this (to use the word

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Testing parts of a string – XpressDox

Working with strings in XpressDox templates   StartsWith The StartsWith function is used to test whether a string starts with a given string: «If(StartsWith(Surname,’van ‘)»«Title» «Surname» is probably of Dutch descent.«End()» «If(StartsWith(Surname,’van ‘)»«SetV(‘LastPart’,substring-after(Surname,’van ‘))»«End()» In

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The sequence of the fields on the interview

XpressDox will create a data capture interview automatically, using the data elements defined on the template. The sequence in which the data elements appear on the interview can be controlled with the CaptureDataElement command, and the Heading and Tab commands can assist with further layout.

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The XpressDox Cookbook

The official XpressDox Cookbook contains various recipes for different aspects of XpressDox. It is intended to complement the User Reference. The latter document is comprehensive in that it covers all of the XpressDox commands and functions, but does so to a limited depth. The Cookbook is designed to give in-depth coverage of certain commonly used aspects.

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ToHtml – XpressDox

The InsertFormattedText command will accept HTML text as input, convert it to an XpressDox document and then include it as if it were done with an IncludeTemplate command. Sometimes the data in a data element

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Using XSLT functions – XpressDox

XpressDox uses XSLT technology to insert data elements into Merge Fields. This means that a vast amount of functionality is available to the experienced user, especially the XSLT functions, which are used to format data. XpressDox functions and XSLT functions can be mixed in one Merge Field

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ToLower – XpressDox

Convert text into lower case   Regardless of the case of the value entered into the interview or imported from a database, that value can be converted into lower case.   Command structure: «ToLower(Type)» “Plaintiff”

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XML and Data Sets

The core process of XpressDox is the merging of data into a template to produce a final merged document. The XpressDox merging engine thus needs two things: a set of data to merge, and a template into which to merge the data. The data which XpressDox merges into a template is referred to as a Data Set, and must be in XML format. The template then addresses the data elements in that Data Set by referring to them in Merge Fields.

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Define layout in a base template

Sometimes a letterhead needs to dictate not just things like the company’s logo and fairly static items like the directors’ names, but also the position of the addressee information and data elements like ‘Your Reference’ and ‘Our Reference’, for example.

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Multi-line fields on an XpressDox interview

You may not want to have to define 3 or 4 or some maximum number of address line data elements, and have the user capture them one at a time, and still provide conditional formatting logic to suppress any empty data elements. XpressDox document assembly supports this by the concept of long text fields.

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