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Download the AdventureWorks database
Some of the sample templates which are delivered with XpressDox make use of one of the early instances of the Microsoft AdventureWorks SQL Server database. This database can no longer be obtained from any Microsoft web site, and so a backup is made available here. You can download the .zip...
Delimiters: How to choose your own fillpoint delimiters
It is possible for field markers to be re-defined on any given installation of XpressDox. The decision to do this needs to be taken seriously because as soon as any significant number of templates have been authored using a particular choice of Merge Field markers, a change to the markers...
Standard data element configuration
These are data elements that appear as data elements on standard templates. A typical example is the user’s email address and telephone extension on a letterhead. In order to save a user typing their own details into the data capture UI every time they run a template, the Standard Data...
YearsBetween - XpressDox
The YearsBetween function returns the approximate number of years between the two dates. The reason that it is approximate is that it is calculated as the number of days between the two dates divided by 365.25. Thus for a long time period, the result will be more accurate than...
Configuring office settings
XpressDox Docussembly™ document assembly software allows you to configure your installation to centralize letterheads, clause libraries, data sources, and XpressDox Explorer. This is a powerful yet simple way to scale the benefits of XpressDox Docussembly™ across your organization.
YearsMonthsDaysBetween - XpressDox
As its name suggests, this function takes two dates as arguments and returns the difference as a number of years, months and days. It is not the same as combining the results of the MonthsBetween and DaysBetween functions together with the YearsBetween function. The simplest form takes only the starting...
Configuration for folder settings
Every folder where templates can be stored, and from which they are selected with the Run Template function, can have a configuration saved in it. When a folder is selected as the Configuration for folder, it means that the configuration settings entered on the screen will be saved in that...
Notes on XpressDox syntax
XpressDox Docussembly™ document assembly syntax is fairly straightforward, and by paying attention to these few rules you can ensure your templates work first time, every time. This articles describes the syntax rules for data element names, command names, and functions, and describes when to use quote marks.
Correct Gender on your XpressDox templates
Suppose you have a document which you want to personalise as far as pronouns are concerned. In other words, instead of having “he/she” in many places, you want to have only “he” or “she” depending on the sex of the party concerned. Check how this is done using the ChooseUsingCheckbox...