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ChooseFromRDBList - XpressDox
Present a list of choices to the user on the XpressDox interview in the form of ‘Radio Buttons’. Command structure: «ChooseFromRDBList(style,free,formal,semi-formal)» Inserting a ChooseFromRDBList command into your template does not necessarily place the control onto the interview. If the value is not needed anywhere then the list will not...
ChooseFromRepeatingData - XpressDox
Present a drop-down list in your XpressDox template Note: ChooseFromData and ChooseFromRepeatingData are the same command. This command will present a drop-down list of values in the interview. This is similar to the action of the ChooseFromList command, except that the values to be displayed are not provided...
How to replace a server license - self hosted servers only
Once a year, you will find your server license needs replacing. Please follow these steps to apply the new license issued to you by XpressDox: In your Cloud account, click Manage>License (note that this must be done by the Account Administrator) Current License information is displayed. To...
ChooseFromSamples - XpressDox
Present a list of choices to the user, in a drop down list, except that in this case the user is permitted to type their own value and is not restricted to just the items in the list. Command structure: «ChooseFromSamples(Salutation,Yours faithfully,Yours sincerely,Kind regards)»«Salutation» In all other respects...
ChooseUsingCheckBox - XpressDox
Use this command to display a Checkbox on the interview. Command structure: «ChooseUsingCheckBox(Beneficiary,Y,N,N)» Examples of usage: The command can be written as simply as this, and when the data element is chosen its value will be ‘true’ and when not chosen, an empty string. For example: «ChooseUsingCheckbox(Beneficiary)» «When(Beneficiary...
ChooseUsingDatePicker - XpressDox
Insert a date control onto your XpressDox interview «ChooseUsingDatePicker(Date_of_signature)» will cause a date picker control to be used when the Date_of_signature data element is required to be captured. Like other Choose commands, the ChooseUsingDatePicker command will only be included in the interview if the data element referred to is used...
ChooseUsingTimePicker - XpressDox
This command is a variant of the CaptureDataElement command which causes a “time picker” control to be placed on the interview to help the user in choosing a time of day correctly. «ChooseUsingTimePicker(AppointmentTime)» As with all the “Choose…” commands, the ChooseUsingTimePicker command will NOT cause the chosen time of day to...
Install XpressDox Server
Important information to read before installing your XpressDox Server This document contains instructions on how to install your XpressDox Server. Before you start, please note: The following instructions assume you have the authority and rights to add and configure a website on your network / server environment. The instructions...
Chr - XpressDox
This function can be used to return a character based on its numeric (Unicode) value. Command structure: «Chr(13)» Examples of usage: «Chr(13)» This will insert a carriage return. Some further examples: Format an address block in the questionnaire: Chr will probably only be used in the context of...
ComeHereAfterRun - XpressDox
After a template is run and the document has been produced, the «ComeHereAfterRun()» command will cause the Word cursor to position itself at the point in the document where this command appears. Command Structure «ComeHereAfterRun()» Examples of usage Typically this would be used in a general letter which is...
Configure XpressDox to Use Secure Protocol SSI (HTTPS)
This article is intended to help you convert your self-hosted XpressDox installation from HTTP to HTTPS. Ensure that the following pre-requisites are in place: A valid SSL Certificate is installed for your site The IIS Rewrite Module is installed An https binding site binding has been added Once those are...
CommasAndList - XpressDox
This function is very similar to the List command. The difference is that List operates on repeated data elements (e.g. the names of parties), whereas CommasAndList operates on a list which is contained either in one data element, or, more typically, in a variable constructed out of other values. Suppose...
How to setup Scheduled Tasks in a self-hosted environment - XpressDox
The Scheduled Tasks feature enables you to setup: a periodic ‘cleanup’ or deleting of both documents and data files from specified folders. a regular building of artifacts so that during template maintenance, these artifacts can be rebuilt at a convenient time, make the templates run noticeably faster. the emptying of...
CompareStrings - XpressDox
Comparing two strings for equality and inequality is straightforward. However, because XpressDox relies heavily on XPATH (XPATH Tutorial), it also is constrained by some XPATH limitations. For example, «If(('A' < 'B'))»less«Else()»not less«End()» «If(('B' < 'A'))»less«Else()»not less«End()» will result in not less not less being put into the document. This is...
Contains - XpressDox
This function is used to test for a string anywhere inside another string, and would appear inside a command such as If, When or Iif. Example: «If(contains(Surname,'prmzl'))»«Surname» is not an English name.«End()» Related articles: Read more about testing various parts of a string here
Count - XpressDox
Count This function can be used to return the number of instances of a given repeated item. «ForEach(Child)» «Child_Name» «End()» Number of children: «count(Child)» Conditions may be added to the «Count» command, as illustrated below: «ForEach(Child)» «Child_Name», (Age «Age») «End()» Number of children 12 years or older: «Count(Child[Age >= 12])»
Adding comments to an XpressDox template
Adding comments to a complicated template, or a complicated piece of code, is always a good idea. It helps for the maintenance of templates, for readability, and for reminding yourself why you did things a certain way. It is also useful when another template author in the firm needs to...
CultureName - XpressDox
This function can be used to take different action depending on the “culture” active at the time. All possible cultures are defined in Table of Language Culture Names, Codes, and ISO Values. The function has two possible arguments, viz. “Input” (or just “In”) and “Output” (or “Out”) «CultureName('Input')» will return...
DateAsNumber - XpressDox
If you want to compare two dates, then typically you want to know whether one date is later than another. The default way that dates are stored in XpressDox is in the format yyyy-MM-dd (e.g. 2018-05-02), but can also be understood by XpressDox in other formats, like “May 2, 2018”....