
All commands regarding Variables - XpressDox

Learn about each command regarding Variables in the XpressDox Document Automation Command Library   This is a consolidated list regarding all commands regarding Variables. Along with each command you will find a short description and usage example if applicable. However, there are links to more detailed articles provided on each...

All commands regarding Conditional Logic - XpressDox

This is a consolidated list regarding all commands used with Document Logic. Along with each command you will find a short description and usage example if applicable. However, there are links to more detailed articles provided on each of the command names.   Eq Test whether two strings match each...

ForEach: Handling repeating data

The central issue with repeating data is that the number of repeated data elements is not known at the time the template is authored, and so XpressDox offers the ForEach, List and Ordinal commands as a way of processing a variable number of repeated data elements.

XpressDox Integration Diagram

This diagram shows the relationship between running interviews and saving the resultant documents and datasets for front end and back end integrations.

HardSpace - XpressDox

This function converts spaces to “hard” or non-breaking spaces. When Word performs word-wrapping at the end of a line, a non-breaking space will not appear at the end of a line but will cause the characters on either side of it to be on the same line. «HardSpace(FormatNumber(Amount,“#,#0.00”,“ZA”))» If the...

Which API should I use?

XpressDox has three APIs.  The choice of which to use depends on the particular application and situation. XpressDox Engine API The XpressDox Engine API comes in two flavours – the first is for access from Microsoft .NET programming languages.  Using this API a .NET developer will be able to write...

Heading - XpressDox

Place text above a data element on your XpressDox interview Use the Heading and Footing commands to bring some context to the fields on the interview, or insert breaks in the form of blank Headings or Footings.   Command structure: «Heading(CompanyName, COMPANY INFORMATION)» This will place the text “COMPANY INFORMATION”...

Help - XpressDox

This command can be used to provide help text for the XpressDox interview: Command structure: «Help(Interest,Enter the rate of interest, excluding the % sign)» Examples of usage The Help command can appear anywhere in the template, not necessarily anywhere close to where the data element will be used. But keep in mind...

XpressDox Server RESTful API

XpressDox publishes an API for those users who would like to harness the power of document automation within their apps. See the API documentation here.

Interview Integration - JavaScript and iFrame

Over and above the API (Server to Server Communication), XpressDox also offers Interivew Integration. (3rd Party Server to Browser to XpressDox Server Communication). Integration Information The XpressDox Server provides code snippets to make integration of interviews really easy for you. To access these snippets: Sign in to your XpressDox Cloud...

HideEmptyInterview - XpressDox

If you have a template which results in an empty interview, then the interview can be suppressed using the command «HideEmptyInterview(Yes)» The question is, why would you have such a template?  It could be that the template consists of fillpoints which merge in data from a data source, for example, and...

HideFromPreview - XpressDox

By default, when the user selects to preview the results of an assembly (during the Interview process), the system will display the document generated by the template itself, and any document generated by the MergeTemplate function. Sometimes, the template author may want to restrict the preview functionality to specific templates....

HideInsideIV - XpressDox

You may have a situation where you have conditions that depend on the value of a data element during the lifetime of the interview.  For example, the condition on an OnExitSet command, or a ReadOnly with a condition. This would be the case, for example, with a data source which...

How to Integrate an Interview into your Application (JavaScript or iFrame)

Step 1. Upload the template solution to the cloud The first step is to design, author and upload the template ‘solution’ to the cloud. Usually a solution comprises a number of templates and supporting files, as in this case. Step 2. Copy and paste the integration code from the cloud...

How to Convert Numbers to Currency

An amount of money can be stored as a numeric value, and rendered as a natural language phrase when needed. The Currency function does this.

Creating Cleanup and Optimization Tasks on your Server folders - XpressDox

Improve performance on your XpressDox cloud account   Account/File Administrators can create Cleanup and Optimization Tasks to facilitate the best performance on your Server account. This entails:   Creating artifacts after hours so that interviews build faster; and Specifying when to delete documents and/or data files from selected folders.  ...

Hyperlink - XpressDox

The Hyperlink command will attach a hyperlink to a heading or footing in the XpressDox interview.  When the user clicks on the heading or footing, then the hyperlink will be launched. An example would be: «Hyperlink(Description,Heading,» Variable information (sourced from data elements in the data set) can be inserted into...

HzGroup - XpressDox

The default layout format for an interview is for the controls in the interview to be arranged vertically, one under the other. This behaviour can be modified by use of the HzGroup command (the name standing for ‘HorizontalGroup’). For instance, the command «HzGroup(Title,FirstNames,LastName)» would cause the controls for data elements Title, FirstNames and...

Understanding Template Identifiers

What is a template identifier (template ID): When a template is uploaded to a cloud environment it is assigned a template identifier. This template ID is used in integrations between XpressDox and 3rd party applications. Because the integrated application needs to refer to the template ID it is important that...

IIf - XpressDox

This function is a kind of short cut to writing «If()» … «Else()»  … «End()» in certain circumstances.   Using If.. Else.. End: Suppose you want to write something like The amount of VAT applicable is …. Where the …. above is either zero, if no VAT is applicable, or...

If Command - XpressDox

Using the If command, chunks of text can be included in or excluded from the assembled document depending on values provided by the user in the interview.   Command structure: «If(Balance_Outstanding > 10000)» «If(Beneficiary = 'Yes')»   Examples of usage: Suppose special wording is required when the Balance_Outstanding is greater...

IncludeCodeTemplate - XpressDox

The IncludeCodeTemplate command is used to include content from another template, and will only include paragraphs which contain XpressDox fillpoints.   Command structure: «IncludeCodeTemplate(system:Central code)»   Parameters to the command: system The alias as defined in the configuration. This is optional but useful as it defines the location of the...

Configuring SSO using Azure AD for your XpressDox Cloud Account

If you have an account registered on one of these XpressDox Cloud instances, then follow these instructions to configure SSO for your Cloud Account: After logging in to your instance of Azure AD, go to your Active Directory and click on the Enterprise applications.   Add a new application; search...

Using data in a ChooseFromDataSource

Now that you have configured a data source, the data can be used on your XpressDox template using commands such as ChooseFromDataSource or IncludeDataSourceData. Learn more about these XpressDox commands here.


This command enables the insertion of graphics from a file into the merged document. The picture is inserted into the document at the point where the command is encountered, and the size of the image is included in the command, for example: «IncludePicture(images:Logo.jpg,0.8in,0.8in)» or «IncludePicture(images:Logo.jpg,2cm,2cm)» The first measurement is the...