September 4, 2023

IncludeTemplate / IncludeCodeTemplate / InsertTemplate / MergeTemplate / RunTemplate

XpressDox offers various ways of connecting templates in some way; IncludeTemplate, IncludeCodeTemplate, InsertTemplate as well as MergeTemplate and RunTemplate. But what is the difference between all these commands and functions?


Below is a summary of each of the commands. Each of them can of course be used conditionally, and can be called from a central location.


IncludeTemplate IncludeCodeTemplate InsertTemplate MergeTemplate RunTemplate
1. A copy-and-paste of the contents of a template (text and/or fillpoints) into another

2. Use IncludeTemplate when you know the name of the template you need

3. Use as many IncludeTemplate commands as you need

4. Multiple templates create one interview

5. The output is one document

1. Also a copy-and-paste of one template into another

2. BUT only those paragraphs containing XpressDox code are processed

3. Use as many IncludeCodeTemplate commands as you need

4. One interview, one document

1. Use this command when you don’t know the name of the template you need to insert

2. You can build the name of the template to insert using data from the interview

3. Also a copy-and-paste

4. Also one interview, one document

1. Used to create a suite a documents

2. One interview, multiple documents

3. Can be used when you know the name of the template to merge, or build the name of the template at run-time

4. Can be used in a ForEach, e.g. sending documents to each party

1. Used to create a suite a documents

2. Multiple interview, multiple documents

3. Can be used when you know the name of the template to merge, or build the name of the template at run-time

4. Can only be used in the web version