
Formatting individual data elements

Formatting functions can be applied to any data element name where the value of the data element is to be included in the resulting text, that is when the data element name would otherwise exist in a Merge Field all on its own, or inside a List command.

Formatting the time (show am/pm) - XpressDox

The FormatTime command takes the HH or hh parameters to display the time in 24 or 12 hour time respectively, but what if you want to show the time in 12 hour clock, and display AM or PM? Here’s how: «FormatTime(AppointmentTime,'hh:mm tt')» Add an additional ‘tt’ to show the AM...

Suppressing empty lines in your assembled document - XpressDox

Conditional processing is one of the most powerful features of XpressDox Docussembly™. In particular, this applies to removing empty lines from a merged document. One application of this is removing address lines which contain empty data.

RemoveParagraph: remove unwanted paragraphs

Although XpressDox does a lot to make sure it leaves no unwanted empty paragraphs behind, it is sometimes necessary to manually remove the unwanted paragraphs. The RemoveParagraph() command will empower the template author to do this.

Source and destination formatting

When including part (or all) of one document into another, which is the basis of the BaseTemplate, IncludeTemplate and InsertDocument commands, there is always an issue about what formatting (styles, fonts, etc.) should be applied in the resulting document. XpressDox provides three options for this.

Source and Destination formatting in version 4

There was a change in Version 4 with the style handling with BaseTemplate,  IncludeTemplate and InsertTemplate template. How it worked in version 3 of XpressDox With version 3, when Source formatting was used, XpressDox would create a new style in the destination template for every style in the source template, but...

Format an Identity Number

The FormatNumber function in XpressDox can help the template author make sure that the template user captures valid numeric data, as well as format the result for readability.

Format a date in archaic form

Using standard XpressDox functions and commands, XpressDox renders a date in archaic form, i.e. 2009-09-02 becomes "the 2nd day of October in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Nine".

Correct Gender on your XpressDox templates

Suppose you have a document which you want to personalise as far as pronouns are concerned. In other words, instead of having “he/she” in many places, you want to have only “he” or “she” depending on the sex of the party concerned. Check how this is done using the ChooseUsingCheckbox...