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Converting old delimiters << to new delimiters «
Fillpoint delimiters in your XpressDox templates If you are a long time user of XpressDox you may be aware that some years back we changed our Fillpoint delimiters from << >> to « ». It is of course fine to stay with either type of Fillpoint delimiters, and you can set...
Check the syntax of all your XpressDox templates in a folder
Check the syntax of all templates in a folder simply by following these steps: Navigate to a folder using the XpressDox Explorer in Word Right click on any template inside that folder Click on Check Syntax of Templates in Folder Once XpressDox has finished checking, you can open the SyntaxCheckLog.csv...
Troubleshooting XpressDox installations
Existing users of XpressDox: XpressDox has vanished from my Word toolbar (for existing users) If XpressDox was showing in your toolbar previously, but is no longer doing so, Word may have disabled the XpressDox add–in. This sometimes happens with Word or Windows updates, or if Word experiences a technical problem,...
How do I know what the data element name is?
Data element names aren’t always obvious when looking at an interview, especially when you have the Caption command, or when using ChooseFromDataSource, or ChooseFromFile. And of course, it is crucial for you to know the data element names when troubleshooting templates. And so the way to find out what...
Troubleshooting missing pictures in documents
Normally pictures, logos, etc., are handled without problems by XpressDox. But sometimes the pictures go missing from the merged document and are replaced by a red X in a box. This recipe discusses why this can happen and gives some advice on how to correct the situation.
Where have all my data elements gone?
Sometimes you will have marked up a template and then when you run it, one or more of the data elements don't appear in the data capture interview. Conversely, sometimes the data element may appear in the capture interview but not on the merged document. This Cookbook recipe gives the...