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July 24, 2023
List of XpressDox commands and functions by Category
All Commands and Functions listed by Category
Command or Function Name | Description and Examples |
AddBCCAddress | Add a BCC email address when assembling to an email «AddBCCAddress()» |
AddCCAddress | Add a CC address when assembling to an email «AddCCAddress()» |
AddToAddress | Add a “To” email address when assembling to an email «AddToAddress()» |
AttachToEmail | Attach the assembled document or any other document to an email «AttachToEmail()» |
SaveAsEmail | Save the assembled document as an email «SaveAsEmail()» |
SendAsEmail | Save and automatically send the assembled document as an email «SendAsEmail()» |
Command or Function Name | Description and Examples |
AlignCaption | Sets the alignment of the caption for specific data elements «AlignCaption(FirstName,LastName,Top)» |
AlignCaptions | Sets whether captions on the interview should be aligned left, right or top «AlignCaptions(Right)» «AlignCaptions(Left)» «AlignCaptions(Top)» |
AlignErrorMessages | Sets whether error messages (on the web interview) should be aligned top or bottom «AlignErrorMessages(Top)» |
Button | Place a Button on the interview «Button(ButtonDummy)» «Button(ButtonDummy)»«OnExitSet(ButtonDummy,StartDate,Value,(),Today(),OnlyWhenEmpty)» |
Caption | Set the caption for the data element on the interview screen «Caption(Amount,Capital amount of loan)» «Caption(Amount,^bu^@Navy@Capital amount of loan)» |
CaptureAllDataElements | Capture all data elements even if not used in this template «CaptureAllDataElements(Yes)» |
CaptureAsLongText | Capture a multi-line text values «CaptureAsLongText(Address,3)» «CaptureAsLongText(Address,3,PendingRelevance,Rich)» |
CaptureDataElement | Places a control for the data element on the interview screen «CaptureDataElement(Name)» «CaptureDataElement(DateOfBirth,date)» |
CaptureDataElements | Include a number of data elements element in the interview for the template «CaptureDataElements(CheckAll,Chk1,Chk2,Chk3)» |
CaptureInGrid | Specify whether or not a repeater should be displayed and captured in a grid «CaptureInGrid(Child,Yes)» «CaptureInGrid(Child,No)»«CaptureInGrid(Child/Pet,Yes)» |
CaptureLater | Defer the capture of a data element to later in the interview «CaptureLater(Name)» |
CaptureOnlyEmptyValues | Specify whether only empty values should be shown in the interview «CaptureOnlyEmptyValues(Yes)» «CaptureOnlyEmptyValues(No)» |
ChooseFromData | Choose from repeating data already in the data set «ChooseFromData(IdOfOrder,Order/OrderID)» «ChooseFromData(IdOfOrder,Order/OrderID,OrderDescription)» «ChooseFromData(IdOfOrder,Order/OrderID,OrderDescription,AddAllChosenData,Px)» |
ChooseFromDataElements | Choose from data already in the data set |
ChooseFromDataset | ChooseFromDataset «ChooseFromDataset(CustodianName,../Respondent1,'Father',../Respondent2,'Mother')» «ChooseFromDataset(PartyDescription,IIf((PartyType = 'Type1'),PartyName,'None'),,IIf((PartyType = 'Type2'),PartyName,PrincipalName))» |
ChooseFromHzRDBList | Present a horizontal list of radio button choices «ChooseFromHzRDBList(Gender,,Male,Female)» |
ChooseFromList | Present the user with a list of choices in a drop down list «ChooseFromList(Province,Ontario,Quebec,British Columbia,Alberta,Manitoba,Saskatchewan,Nova Scotia,New Brunswick,Newfoundland and Labrador,Prince Edward Island)» «ChooseFromList(Province,,Ontario,Quebec,'British Columbia', 'Alberta' ,Manitoba,Saskatchewan,Nova Scotia,New Brunswick,'Newfoundland and Labrador',Prince Edward Island)» «ChooseFromList(Province,O~~Ontario,Q~~Quebec,BC~~British Columbia,A~~Alberta,M~~Manitoba,S~~Saskatchewan,NS~~Nova Scotia,NB~~New Brunswick,NL~~Newfoundland and Labrador,PE~~Prince Edward Island)» |
ChooseFromRDBList | Present a radio button list of choices «ChooseFromRDBList(Orientation,North,South,East,West)» «ChooseFromRDBList(Clause,Security~~The undersigned undertakes to provide security covering the loan to be granted.,NoSecurity~~The undersigned is not required to provide security for the loan.)» «ChooseFromRDBList(Clause,~~The undersigned undertakes to provide security covering the loan to be granted.,~~The undersigned is not required to provide security for the loan.)» |
ChooseFromRepeatingData | Choose from repeating data already in the data set «ChooseFromRepeatingData(IdOfOrder,Order/OrderID)» «ChooseFromRepeatingData(IdOfOrder,Order/OrderID,OrderDescription)» «ChooseFromData(IdOfOrder,Order/OrderID,OrderDescription,AddAllChosenData,Px)» |
ChooseFromSamples | Presents a drop down list of choices, but the user can type their own if it is not in the list «ChooseFromSamples(Title,,Mr.,Mrs.,Miss,Ms.,Prof.,Dr.)» |
ChooseUsingCheckBox | Choose a value using a check box «ChooseUsingCheckBox(RequiresSpecialSchooling,Yes,No,No)» «ChooseUsingCheckBox(Clause,~~The Parties agree to cede their rights to various assets without prejudice.)» |
ChooseUsingDatePicker | Choose a data element value using a date picker «ChooseUsingDatePicker(DateOpened)» |
ChooseUsingTimePicker | Choose a data element value using a time picker «ChooseUsingTimePicker(AppointmentTime)» |
Comment | Enter a comment into the template «Comment(Any arbitrary comments)» |
Define | Define the interview properties of a data element «Define(Amount,^biu^@Red@Caption text,|^b^@Navy@Heading text,Footing Text,Tab Caption,CaptureDataElement,,Required,Initial Value,hard;IsDigits;The amount must be numerics only.,Cases;RefreshSave;'Id=;')?Enter the amount of the deal.» «Define(Title,^biu^@Red@Title of the party,|^b^@Navy@PARTY DETAILS,,Contact Information,ChooseFromList,;Mr.;Mrs.;Ms.;Dr.;Prof.)» «Define(TaxIncluded,Is Tax included,,,,ChooseUsingCheckBox,Y;N;N)» |
DefineSetAllGroup | Implements a “Check All” feature «DefineSetAllGroup(CheckAll,Option1,Option2,Option3)» «DefineSetAllGroup(CheckAll,Option1,Option2,Option3,|,OptionList)» «DefineSetAllGroup(CheckAll,Option1,Option2,Option3,|,OptionList,DropPH)» «DefineSetAllGroup(CheckAll,Option1~~a~~Option2~~b~~Option3~~c,|,OptionList)» |
DetectLongConditions | Detect Long Conditions in a template «DetectLongConditions()» |
DropDownPanel | Present the data elements in a drop down list «DropDownPanel(PH1,Choice1,Choice2,Choice3,Choice4)» «DropDownPanel(PH1,Soccer,Tennis,Golf,repeater=Sports/SportName)» |
ExcludeFromGrid | Exclude the data element from a grid row when captured in a grid «ExcludeFromGrid(PictureCode)» «ExcludeFromGrid(PictureCode,Size,Location)» |
ExcludeFromIV | Excludes a data element from the capture interview for the template «ExcludeFromIV(FirmName)» «ExcludeFromIV(FirmName,FirmAddressLine1,FirmAddressLine2,FirmPostalCode)» |
ExpectXSLTFormatNumbers | Cause XpressDox to expect XSLT formatted numbers in data «ExpectXSLTFormatNumbers(Yes)» |
Footing | Place footing text below a data element in the interview «Footing(CompanyPostalCode,END OF COMPANY DETAILS)» «Footing(CompanyName,)» «Footing(CompanyPostalCode,|^bu^@Navy@END OF COMPANY DETAILS)» |
ForbidThousandsSeparators | Specify that capture of numeric values should not permit thousands separators «ForbidThousandsSeparators(Yes)» «ForbidThousandsSeparators(No)» |
FormatNumberOnInput | Format a number in the interview «FormatNumberOnInput()» |
Heading | Place heading text above a data element in the interview «Heading(CompanyName, COMPANY DETAILS)» «Heading(CompanyName,|^bu^@Navy@COMPANY DETAILS)» |
Help | Provide help text (to be shown in the Help area) for a data element «Help(Amount,Enter the amount of the loan)» {**Help(Address,\Enter the address, each address line on a separate line)» |
HideEmptyInterview | Specify whether or not an empty interview should be hidden «HideEmptyInterview(Yes)» «HideEmptyInterview(No)» |
HideFromPreview | Prevent the document generated from being inlcuded in a preview «HideFromPreview(Yes)» «HideFromPreview(X > 1)» |
HideInsideIV | Hides a data element inside the interview for the template «HideInsideIV(DebtorTypeOption)» «HideInsideIV(DebtorTypeOption,CreditorTypeOption,AgentTypeOption)» |
Hyperlink | Attach a hyperlink to a heading or footing «Hyperlink(Description,Heading,» «Hyperlink(Description,Heading,» |
HzGroup | Group data elements together horizontally on the interview «HzGroup(Title,FirstNames,LastName)» «HzGroup(Title,FirstNames,LastName,10,EmptyAllCaptions)» «HzGroup(Title:4,FirstNames,LastName,20)» |
InhibitAutomaticRuleOnNumberFunctions | Inhibit the automatic Rule commands that are generated for functions taking numeric values as input. «InhibitAutomaticRuleOnNumberFunctions(Yes)» |
InsertDataElement | Performs the same function as “re-use field” «InsertDataElement()» |
InterviewFont | Specify the font for the entire interview «InterviewFont(Microsoft Sans Serif/8.25)» «InterviewFont(Times New Roman/9)» |
InterviewIsWizard | Specify whether the interview should be in Wizard form or not «InterviewIsWizard(Yes)» «InterviewIsWizard(Strict)» «InterviewIsWizard(No)» |
InterviewLogo | Provide the name of an image file to use in the interview «InterviewLogo(images:InterviewLogo.jpg)» |
InterviewRelevance | Provide a condition governing the relevance of the data element in the interview «InterviewRelevance(Name,Name = '')» «InterviewRelevance(Children,count(Children) > 0)» |
InterviewTheme | The theme of the Desktop Interview «InterviewTitle(Classic)» «InterviewTitle(White)» |
InterviewTitle | Set the title which will show on the Interview screen for this template «InterviewTitle(Custom Title for Interview Screen)» |
MaximumRepeats | Set the maximum number of repeats «MaximumRepeats(Child,2)» «MaximumRepeats(Child,IIf((ParentName = ''),0,2))» |
MultiSelect | Same as DefineSetAllGroup «MultiSelect()» |
OnEnterSet | Set values when focus enters a data element’s control «OnEnterSet(Gender,Gender,Value,(Substring(IDNumber,7,1) > '4'),'Male','Female')» «OnEnterSet(RefNumber,RefNumber,Caption,(PartyType = 'Individual'),'ID Number','Company Number')» «OnEnterSet(ReminderDate,ReminderDate,Value,,IncrementDate(DateOpened,7,'d'),,EvenWhenNotEmpty)» |
OnExitSet | Set values when focus leaves a data element’s control «OnExitSet(IDNumber,Gender,Value,(Substring(IDNumber,7,1) > '4'),'Male','Female')» «OnExitSet(PartyType,RefNumber,Caption,(PartyType = 'Individual'),'ID Number','Company Number')» «OnExitSet(DateOpened,ReminderDate,Value,,IncrementDate(DateOpened,7,'d'),,EvenWhenNotEmpty)» |
OptimizeParsing | Optimize parsing of the template «OptimizeParsing(Off)» «OptimizeParsing(On)» |
PlaceHolder | A placeholder in the interview to which text can be attached
PreventRepeaterDeletion | Prevent a repeater from being deleted «PreventRepeaterDeletion()» |
Question | Insert a question command. This is considered to be part of the Low Code flavour of XpressDox and as such will not be found in the Command Assistant. |
ReadOnly | Set the control for a data element on the interview to Read Only «ReadOnly(Description)» «ReadOnly(Description,Size,Location)» «ReadOnly(Description,Size,Location,(UserIsPrivileged = 'Yes'))» |
RepeaterCaption | Set the caption for a group of repeating data elements on the interview screen «RepeaterCaption(Child,Children)» «RepeaterCaption(Child,^bu^@Navy@Children)» |
Required | Mark one or more data elements as required – i.e. must have a non-empty value «Required(AccountNumber,Decimal)» «Required(AccountNumber)» «Required(AccountNumber,Surname,IDNumber)» |
Rule | Applies a custom made validation rule to the data element in the interview process «Rule(Cost,hard,IsNumber,110.00,12000.00,The Cost must be greater than 109 and less than or equal to 12000.)» «Rule(SellingPrice,hard,(Area > 1000 and SellingPrice > 500000) or (Area < 1001 and SellingPrice < 50001),'The SellingPrice must be greater than 500000 when the Area is more than 1000.')» «Rule(IDNumber,hard,IsDigits,The IDNumber must consist only of digits)»«Rule(IDNumber,hard,string-length(IDNumber) = 13,the IDNumber must be exactly 13 digits long.)» «Rule(IDNumber,hard,IsZAIDNumber,The IDNumber failed the test for a valid South African ID Number.)» «Rule(Email,hard,IsEmailAddress,'The field must be a valid email address')»«Rule(Email,hard,(not(contains(Email,',')) and not(contains(Email,';'))),'not a list of addresses.')» «Rule(Postal_Code,hard,IsUKPostalCode,'Please enter a valid UK Postal Code')» «Rule(Price,hard,IsRegionalNumber,'EU','The value must be a number in the format 9.999,99')» «Rule(IDNumber,soft,1 = 1,'do you want to accept the value anyway?')» |
RunAsHugeTemplate | Instruct XpressDox Word Addin to run the template in a separate process «RunAsHugeTemplate(yes)» |
Set | Set a value in the interview «Set()» |
SetInitialValue | Sets the initial value for a data element that is to be captured «SetInitialValue(PostalCode,7890)» «SetInitialValue(Customer/State,Washington)» |
SetInterviewDataOnly | Set the option that a template is destined only for data capture «SetInterviewDataOnly(Yes)» «SetInterviewDataOnly(No)» |
SetRepeaterQualifier | Set the string which must appear in the interview against repeating elements «SetRepeaterQualifier(Child,, )» |
ShowHidden | Show hidden fields on the interview «ShowHidden(Name,Address)» «ShowHidden(Child/Name,Child/DataOfBirth)» «ShowHidden()» |
Tab | Add a tab to the main panel of the interview screen «Tab(Financial Information,Capital,InterestRate,InterestDate,AmountPaid)» |
TabOrientation | Specify whether Tabs appear Horizontally or Vertically «TabOrientation(Vertical)» |
ValidateBeforeShare | Validate fields before sharing an interview «ValidateBeforeShare()» |
Width | Set the width of the control in the interview to a fixed value «Width(Price,6)» |
With | Conditions on Set commands «With()» |
Command or Function Name | Description and Examples |
AppendPDF | Append a PDF file to the assembled (PDF) document «AppendPDF(PDFFileName)» «AppendPDF('Survey Agreement.pdf')» «AppendPDF('Survey Agreement.pdf|Non-disclosure Agreement.pdf')» |
BaseTemplate | Base (or overlay) this template on another template «BaseTemplate(LetterHead)» «BaseTemplate(headings:LetterHead,Destination)» |
ComeHereAfterRun | Place a marker in the template where the cursor should be after the template has run. «ComeHereAfterRun()» |
DocumentBody | Insert the body of the originating template into the Base Template «DocumentBody» |
IncludeCodeTemplate | Include only those paragraphs which contain XpressDox merge fields «IncludeCodeTemplate(utils:Help,Text)» |
IncludePicture | Include a picture «IncludePicture(images:Logo.jpg,0.8in,0.8in)» |
IncludeSpreadsheet | Include a spreadsheet in the final document «IncludeSpreadsheet(HourlyRates.xslt)» |
IncludeTemplate | Include a template as part of this template «IncludeTemplate(utils:Clauses,Destination,ExcludeHeaders)» «IncludeTemplate(utils:Clauses,Destination,PreserveHeaders)» «IncludeTemplate(utils:Help,Text)» |
InsertPicture | Insert a picture «InsertPicture(concat('images:Personnel\',Signatory,'.jpg'),0.8in,0.8in)» |
InsertSpreadsheet | Insert a spreadsheet in the final document «InsertSpreadsheet(concat('HourlyRatesFor',DirectorCode,'.xslt'))» |
InsertTemplate | Insert a template whose name appears in a data element which is chosen by the user. «InsertTemplate(Clause,Destination)» «InsertTemplate(concat('Clauses:',ChosenClauseName,PartyType),Destination)» «InsertTemplate('Party Underage Clause',Destination)» «InsertTemplate('letters:Covering Letter',Destination,PreserveHeaders)» |
MergeDataSheetTemplate | Merge this template’s Data Sheet Template «MergeDataSheetTemplate()» |
MergePDFForm | Merge a PDF from after the currently running template «MergePDFForm('Agreement')» «MergePDFForm(concat('Agreement -',PartyType),'Agreement')» «MergePDFForm(concat('Agreement -',PartyType),'Agreement','R')» |
MergeTemplate | Merge another template after the currently running template «MergeTemplate('Agreement')» «MergeTemplate(concat('Agreement -',PartyType))» |
Paragraph | Split the containing paragraph into two at this point. «Paragraph()» «Paragraph('Letter Body')» |
ReplaceField | Replace a Merge Field in the Base Template «ReplaceField(Addressee)»«ClientName»«ReplaceFieldEnd()» «ReplaceField(ToUpper(Addressee))»«ToSentence(ClientName)»«ReplaceFieldEnd()» |
RunTemplate | Run several templates together in a package, with separate interviews «RunTemplate()» |
Script | Define a chunk of document for re-use «Script(ProductDescription)»chunk of text«ScriptEnd()» «Script(ProductDescription,UpperOrTitle)»«&UpperOrTitle&(chunk of text)»«ScriptEnd()» |
ScriptIf | Conditionally include text in a script «ScriptIf(&Required& = 'Y')»«Required(&Name&)»«ScriptIfEnd()» |
SetCoreFileProperty | Sets a core file property in the merged document «SetCoreFileProperty('Author',WindowsLogonUser())» «SetCoreFileProperty('Subject',What_this_is_About)» |
TemplateName | Get the file name of the running template «TemplateName()» «TemplateName('true','true')» |
UseScript | Insert the contents of a script defined in another part of the template. «UseScript(ProductDescription)» |
Value | Returns the value of what is passed (specifically needed for Scripts) «Value(&ParameterName&)» |
Command or Function Name | Description and Examples |
AppendVr | Append values to the end of a variable «AppendVr('List',',')» «AppendVr('List',',',PartyName)» |
ArrayAppendVr | Append a value to the value of an array element «ArrayAppendVr('contacts','FullName',' ',Surname)» |
ArrayClear | Removes all entries from an array «ArrayClear('Transactions')» |
ArrayConcat | Concatenate one array into another «ArrayConcat('AllContacts','ForeignContacts')» |
ArrayCount | Get the number of elements in an array «ArrayCount('A')» |
ArrayDelete | Delete an array element «ArrayDelete('contacts','dependants')» |
ArrayGetV | Get the value of an array element «ArrayGetV('contacts','dependants')» «ArrayGetV('contacts',3)» |
ArrayGetVn | Get the value of an array element as numeric where the context requires it «ArrayGetVn('contacts','dependants')» |
ArrayIncrementV | Increment the value of an array element «ArrayIncrementV('contacts','dependants')» «ArrayIncrementV('contacts','dependants',count(Child))» |
ArrayIncrementVr | Increment the value of an array element, and remove the paragraph «ArrayIncrementVr('contacts','dependants')» «ArrayIncrementVr('contacts','dependants',count(Child))» |
ArrayKeys | Get one of the keys of the elements in the array «ArrayKeys('A',1)» «ArrayKeys('A',ArrayCount('A'))» «SetVr('Ix',1)» |
ArrayRemoveDuplicates | Removes duplicate (and empty) elements from an array «ArrayRemoveDuplicates('foodList')» |
ArraySetFromString | Create an array from a delimited string «ArraySetFromString('names','Fred,John,Mary,Jack',',')» |
ArraySetV | Initialise or change the value of an array element «ArraySetV('contact','N',FirstNames)» «ArraySetV('contact',3,FirstNames)» |
ArraySetVr | Initialise or change the value of an array element, and remove the paragraph «ArraySetVr('contact','N',FirstNames)» |
ArraySortByIndex | Sorts the elements of an array by the index values «ArraySortByIndex('Transactions')» «ArraySortByIndex('Transactions','Numeric')» |
ArraySortByValue | Sorts the elements of an array by value «ArraySortByValue('Transactions')» |
ArrayValues | Get one of the values of the elements in the array «ArrayValues('A',1)» «ArrayValues('A',ArrayCount('A'))» «SetVr('Ix',1)» |
CreateDataElement | Create a data element in the template’s data set.«CreateDataElement('ThisDataElement',GetV('ThisVariable')» «CreateDataElement('ThisFileName'),GetValidFileName(AccountNumber)» |
CreateDataElementR | Create a data element in the template’s data set, and remove the paragraph.«CreateDataElement('ThisDataElement','Should have this value')» |
Execute | Execute a number of functions «Execute(SetV('X',12),GetV('X'))» «Execute(SetV('X',12),IncrementV('X'),GetV('X'))» |
GetV | Get the value of a variable «GetV('Balance')» |
GetVn | Get the value of a variable used as numeric «Party[GetVn('Counter')]/Name» |
GetVOrDefault | Get the value of a variable if it has been defined otherwise a default value «GetVOrDefault('NumberOfLines',1)» |
IncrementV | Increment a variable value «IncrementV('Counter')» «IncrementV('Total',RenderAsNumeric(Amount))» |
IncrementVr | Increment a variable by a given amount and remove the paragraph «IncrementVr('Total',RenderAsNumeric(Amount))» «IncrementVr('Counter')» |
PrependVr | Prefix values at the front of a variable «PrependVr('List',',')» «PrependVr('List',PartyName,',')» |
RemoveParagraph | Remove the paragraph after the template has merged. «RemoveParagraph()» |
SetV | Set a variable value «SetV('Balance',0)» «SetV('Balance',GetV('Balance') + RenderAsNumeric(Amount))» «IncrementV('Balance', RenderAsNumeric(Amount))» «ChooseFromRDBList(Gender,Male,Female)»«If(Gender = "Male")»«SetV("PronounHe","he")»«Setv("PronounHim","him")»«SetV("PronounHis","his")»«Else()»«SetV("PronounHe","she")»«SetV("PronounHim","her")»«SetV("PronounHis","her")»«End()»«RemoveParagraph()»
SetVR | Set a variable value and remove the paragraph «SetVR('Balance',0)» «SetVr('Balance',GetV('Balance') + RenderAsNumeric(Amount))» «ChooseFromRDBList(Gender,Male,Female)»«If(Gender = "Male")»«SetVr("PronounHe","he")»«Setv("PronounHim","him")»«SetV("PronounHis","his")»«Else()»«SetVR("PronounHe","she")»«SetV("PronounHim","her")»«SetV("PronounHis","her")»«End()» |
Command or Function Name | Description and Examples |
ApplyRulesToDataset | Apply Rules to the Dataset in the absence of an interview «ApplyRulesToDataset(Yes)» «ApplyRulesToDataset(IgnoreSoftRules)» |
AreYouReadyToAssembleMessage | Provide a confirmation button after the user clicks Assemble «AreYouReadyToAssembleMessage()» |
Debug | Debug missing or superfluous ‘end’ and ‘else’ issues «Debug()» |
ExcludeFromDataSet | Exclude elements from the saved dataset «ExcludeFromDataSet(DataElements,UserID,UserName,UserEmail,Child/Address)» «ExcludeFromDataSet(DataSources,Users,Accounts)» |
InsertHyperlink | Insert a hyperlink into the document «InsertHyperlink('Our Company Web Site','')» «InsertHyperlink(concat(DirectorName, ' profile'),DirectorProfileWebSite)» |
Log | Log a message «Log(concat('At this point in the template, and the value of Name is ',Name))» |
LogDataElements | Log a list of data elements with a message «LogDataElements(The name and address are,Name,Address)» |
LogVariables | Log a list of XpressDox variable values with a message «LogVariables(At the middle of the template,Total,TotalTax)» |
MakeNoise | Make one of the system sounds «MakeNoise()» «MakeNoise('Asterisk')» |
PaintInsertedText | Paint Text Inserted by Fillpoints «PaintInsertedText(Yes,Blue)» «PaintInsertedText(Yes,Blue,Paint='Yes')» «PaintInsertedText(No)» «PaintInsertedText(No,Red)» |
PdfUserPassword | Set a User Password when saving as PDF «PdfUserPassword('MySecretPassword')» «PdfUserPassword(FormatDate(DateOfBirth,'yyyyMMdd'))» |
PreviewHighlight | Set the color to use for highlighting inserted text for the preview «PreviewHighlight(Blue)» |
RequiredVersion | Allows the template author to prevent a template running if the installed version of XpressDox is too low. «RequiredVersion(3.1.1)» |
RestrictToLicenses | Supply licence serial numbers for this template «RestrictToLicenses(123,124,300)» |
RunTemplates | Specify a number of templates to be run when this template is run. «RunTemplates(CoveringLetter,Contract,Invoice,DebitOrder)» |
SaveAsHtml | Specify whether or not to save the merged document in HTML format. |
SaveAsRtf | Specify whether or not to save the merged document in RTF format. |
SaveAsText | Specify whether or not to save the merged document in plain text format. «SaveAsText(Yes)» |
SetProfileProperty | Profile the assembled document for use in integrations e.g. NetDocuments and iManage «SetProfileProperty()» |
SetMultipleDocumentFilter | Sets a filter applying to the Document Per Repeated Item feature «SetMultipleDocumentFilter(ChildAge > 12)» «SetMultipleDocumentFilter(ChildAge > ../AgeFilterValue)» |
UpdateTableFormattingForPdf | Request that table formatting is performed when saving to PDF «UpdateTableFormattingForPdf((Amount != 0))» «UpdateTableFormattingForPdf('Yes')» |
WriteTimeStampToDataSet | Specify whether or not to write a time stamp into the dataset «WriteTimeStampToDataSet(Yes)» |
Formatting Numbers
Command or Function Name | Description and Examples |
ceiling | Round a value up to the nearest integer «ceiling(RegionToX(YearsBetween(Today(),DateOfBirth)))» |
CentsToCurrency | Convert value in cents to currency and format it «CentsToCurrency(CentsValue,'#,0.00')» |
CurrencySymbol | Insert the currency symbol as defined in the Regional Settings «CurrencySymbol()» |
CurrencyToCents | Multiplies a currency value by 100 with minimal rounding «CurrencyToCents(Price)» |
Dolares | Render a numeric amount as a number of Dollars, in Spanish words «Dolares(Price)» «Dolares(Price,'ToUpper')» |
Dollars | Render a numeric amount as a number of Dollars, in words «Dollars(Price)» «Dollars(Price,'ToUpper')» |
DollarsFrancaise | Render a numeric amount as a number of Dollars, in French words «DollarsFrancaise(Price)» «DollarsFrancaise(Price,'ToLower')» |
EuroDeutsch | Render a numeric amount as a number of Euros, in German words «EuroDeutsch(Price)» «EuroDeutsch(Price,'ToLower')» |
Euros | Render a numeric amount as a number of Euros in English «Euros()» |
EurosEspanol | Render a numeric amount as a number of Euros, in Spanish words «EurosEspanol(Price)» «EurosEspanol(Price,'ToUpper')» |
EurosFrancaise | Render a numeric amount as a number of Euros, in French words «EurosFrancaise(Price)» «EurosFrancaise(Price,'ToLower')» |
floor | Round a value down to the nearest integer «floor(RegionToX(YearsBetween(Today(),DateOfBirth)))» |
FormatNumber | Format Number «FormatNumber(Amount)» «FormatNumber(Amount,'#,0.00;(#,0.00)')» «FormatNumber(Amount,'#,0.00;(#,0.00)','FR')» |
GetListItem | Extract a value from a delimited list «GetListItem(ListItem,'First,Second,Third',',')» «GetListItem(4,IP_Address,'.')» «GetListItem(GetV('element number'),PeriodicTable,',')» |
Max | Gets the higher of two values «Max(HourlyRate * Hours, 1000)» «Max(Age,CutoffAge)» |
Min | Gets the lower of two values «Min(HourlyRate * Hours, 1000)» «Min(Age,CutoffAge)» |
Mod | Gets remainder after dividing one number by another «Mod(LineNumber, 2)» |
NumberOrZero | Converts to a number, or makes a zero «NumberOrZero()» |
NumberPhrase | Format a number as words «NumberPhrase(Price)» «NumberPhrase(Price - 100,'en-us','ToUpper')» |
NumberToCurrency | Render a number as currency, in words «NumberToCurrency(Price, "Dollar", "Dollars", "cent", "cents", "", "en-uk", "Leave")» |
OrdinalSuffix | Gets the suffix st, nd, rd, etc. of the ordinal of a number «OrdinalSuffix(Today('d'))» «OrdinalSuffix(Today('d'),'af')» «OrdinalSuffix(Today('d'),'st,nd,rd,th,th,th,th,th,th,th,th,th,th,th,th,th,th,th,th,th,st,nd,rd,th,th,th,th,th,th')» |
Pesos | Render a numeric amount as a number of Pesos, in Spanish words «Pesos(Price)» «Pesos(Price,'ToUpper')» |
Pounds | Render a numeric amount as a number of Pounds, in words, UK English «Pounds(Price)» «Pounds(Price,'ToUpper')» |
RaiseToPower | Raise a number to a power «RaiseToPower(SideOfSquare,2)» |
Rand | Render a numeric amount as a number of Rand in words, in English «Rand(Price)» «Rand(Price,'ToUpper')» |
RandAfrikaans | Render a numeric amount as a number of Rand in words, Afrikaans «RandAfrikaans(Price)» «RandAfrikaans(Price,'ToUpper')» |
RegionToX | Convert a number in regional format to XpressDox calculation-compliant format «(RegionToX(UnitPrice) * RegionToX(Qty))» |
Round | Round a value to the nearest integer «FormatNumber(Round(Price,2))» «Round(InterestRate,3)» |
sum | Calculate the sum of values «FormatNumber(sum(InvoiceLine/Amount))» |
TableLookup | Calculate a value from a table «TableLookup(CapitalAmount,'3001;56;0,5001;187;0,9999999;277;0')» «TableLookup(AnnualIncome,'122500;0;18,195000;21960;25,270000;40210;30,999999999;143010;40')» |
ToNumber | Renders a string already in numeric form into a number «ToNumber(GetV('Pos'))» |
XToRegion | Convert a number in calculation-compliant format to regional settings format «FormatNumber(XToRegion(RegionToX(UnitPrice) * RegionToX(Qty)),'','EU')» |
Data Sources
Command or Function Name | Description and Examples |
ChooseFromDataSource | Choose a row from a data source «ChooseFromDataSource(Contacts,Choose a Contact)» «ChooseFromDataSource(Contacts,Type in the Contact's ID,RefreshSave,,DisallowSearch)» «ChooseFromDataSource(Contacts,Choose the contacts that apply,Refresh,Range=PostalCode = 7405,AllowSearch,Contacts)» |
ChooseFromFile | Choose data from a text or XML file «ChooseFromFile(Lookups:Contacts.xdtxt,Choose a contact,NoRefresh,Surname)» «ChooseFromFile(Lookups:Contacts.xdtxt,Choose the Borrower,NoRefresh,BorrowerSurname,Borrower)» |
GetDataSet | Get a string representation of the data set «GetDataSet()» «SetDataSourceData('StagingTable',Guid(),'XMLBlob',GetDataSet(),'Description',Name)» |
GetDataSourceData | Get the data from a data source during assembly «SetV('ProductXML',GetDataSourceData('Products',ProductID))» «GetDataSourceData('Products',ProductID,'ProductName')» «GetXMLElementValue(GetDataSourceData('Products',ProductID),'ProductName')» |
GetXmlElementValue | Get the value of an XML element in an XML document «GetXmlElementValue(GetV('ProductXML'),'ProductName')» «GetXmlElementValue(GetDataSourceData('Products',ProductID),'ProductName')» |
GetXPathValue | Get values from XML using XPATH expressions «GetXPathValue(GetV('ProductXML'),'count(/root/Product)')» «GetXPathValue(GetDataSourceData('Products','Range=ProductID > 1'),'count(//Product)')» «GetXPathValue(GetDataSourceData('Products','Range=ProductID > 1'),'sum(//Product/CostPrice)')» |
IncludeDataSourceData | Include data from a data source «IncludeDataSourceData(Contacts,RefreshSave,range=PostalCode > 8000,Customers)» |
IncludeFileData | Include data from a text or XML file «IncludeFileData(Contacts.xml)» «IncludeFileData(lookups:Contacts.xml,Refresh,Customers)» |
LinkToDataSource | Link the control for any data element in the interview to a data source «LinkToDataSource(MatterNumber,Cases)» «LinkToDataSource(MatterNumber,Cases,RefreshSave,'id=,',LookupMatter = 'Y',UserClass='High')» |
LinkToDataSourceOnEnter | When entering a control in the interview, link it to a data source «LinkToDataSourceOnEnter(MatterNumber,Cases)» «LinkToDataSourceOnEnter(MatterNumber,CasesDataSource,AllowInsert,id=0,MatterNumber = '')» «LinkToDataSourceOnEnter(MatterNumber,CasesDataSource,RefreshSave,,(MatterNumber != ''),(UserCanSave = 'Yes'))» |
LinkToOtherData | Links the control in the interview for this data element to a saved dataset «LinkToOtherData(AccountNumber)» «LinkToOtherData(AccountNumber,_)» |
SetDataSourceData | Set the value of a field in a data source «SetDataSourceData('Products',ProductID,'UnitPrice',100)» |
Formatting Strings
Command or Function Name | Description and Examples |
Chr | Get a character value from its integer representation «OnExitSet(AddressLine2,AddressBlock,Value,,concat(AddressLine1,Chr(13),AddressLine2),,EvenWhenNotEmpty)» |
CommasAndList | Gets a natural language list from a delimited list. «CommasAndList(GetV('JoinedValues'),'/',', ',' and ')» «CommasAndList(GetV('JoinedValues'),'/',', ',' en ')» |
concat | Concat «SetV('FullName',concat(FirstNames,' ',Surname))» «SetV('Possessive',concat(Noun,'!'s'))» |
CountOf | Get the number of occurrences of one string inside another «CountOf('.',Name)» «If(CountOf('.',Name) = 0)»The name contains no initials.«End()» |
CultureName | Get the active culture name «CultureName('Input')» «CultureName('Output')» |
EscapeForXml | Escape a string for use in XML «EscapeForXml(Text)» |
ExtractInitials | Extract Initials from name «ExtractInitials(Fullnames,'.')» «ExtractInitials(Fullnames,'')» |
Format | Format a string according to a pattern «CreateDataElement(Format('Child[{0}]/Name',position()),GetV('Name'))» |
Gender | Return a value depending on a party’s gender
GetRegistryValue | Get a value from the registry «GetRegistryValue('HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\Accounting\Options\ScratchFolder')» «GetRegistryValue(concat('HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\Accounting\UserOptions\',WindowsLogonUser()))» |
GetValidFileName | Get a string which only has valid file name characters «GetValidFileName(AccountNumber)» «GetValidFileName(AccountNumber,'-')» «CreateDataElement('TargetFileName',GetValidFileName(AccountNumber,'-'))» |
GetValidXmlElementName | Converts the passed string to a valid XML element name «GetValidXmlElementName(Name,'_and_')» |
Guid | Get a GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) «SetV('Id',Guid())» «OnExitSet(Name,Id,Value,,Guid(),,OnlyWhenEmpty)» |
HardSpace | Convert normal spaces to non-breaking spaces «HardSpace(Phrase)» «HardSpace(Pounds(Price))» |
InsertFormattedText | Insert text captured as long text «InsertFormattedText(Address)» «InsertFormattedText(Address,Paragraph)» «InsertFormattedText(Address,Destination)» |
InsertInto | Insert a string inside a value «InsertInto(Name,3,'X.')» |
InputCulture | Return the language and number format «InputCulture» |
InsertUnformattedLongText | Inserts text captured as “long” text but with no line breaks or formatting «InsertUnformattedLongText(Address,', ')» |
Left | Extract the left-most a portion of a string «Left(Name,5)» |
List | Produce a delimited list (e.g. commas and ‘and’) from repeating data «List(Party,Firstname Surname,!, , and )» «List(Child[Age < 10],Firstname Surname,', ',' and ')» |
ListDelimiter | Inserts a delimiter between parts of a list, typically a comma and “and” «ListDelimiter(position(),last()-1,'; ',' and also ')» «ListDelimiter(position(),last()-1)» «ListDelimiter(GetVn('counter'),GetVn('sizeMinus1'))» |
Lookup | Look up the value of a key in a name/value list «Lookup(Language,'en-gb:colour;en-us:color')» |
Plural | Get the singular or plural depending on the number. «Plural(count(Child),'child','children')» «Plural(count(Child),'child!'s','children!'s')» «ChooseUsingCheckBox(OnlyOne,Y,N,N)»«Plural((OnlyOne = 'Y'),'child','children')» |
PrefixWith | Insert a prefix if the value is not empty «PrefixWith(AddressLine2,' ')» |
RenderAsNumeric | Force a string to be a valid numeric value «FormatNumber(RenderAsNumeric(Amount) * 1.10)» |
Replace | Replace all occurrences of a specified string with another «Replace(EnglishSentence,'grey','gray')» «Replace(Replace(Replace(EnglishSentence,'grey','gray'),'colour','color'),'favourite','favorite')» |
Right | Extract the right-most a portion of a string «Right(Name,5)» |
SetEmptyMarker | Set the value of the Empty Marker «SetEmptyMarker('{^}')» «SetEmptyMarker('{^}',LastName,FirstNames,IDNumber)» «SetEmptyMarker('',LastName,FirstNames,IDNumber)» «SetEmptyMarker('{~cyan~^~}')» «SetEmptyMarker('{~red~^~}',LastName,FirstNames,IDNumber)» |
substring | Extract a portion of a string «substring(Name,5)» «substring(GetV('description'),1,string-length(GetV('name')))» |
SubstringAfter | Extract the substring after a given string «SubstringAfter(Surname,'-')» |
SubstringAfterLast | Get the last substring using a delimiter «SubstringAfterLast('C:\Documents\XpressDox\WordFile.docx','\')» |
SubstringBefore | Extract the substring before a given string «SubstringBefore(Initials,'.')» |
SubstringBeforeLast | Get the substring before the last delimiter «SubstringBeforeLast('C:\Documents\XpressDox\WordFile.docx','\')» |
SuffixWith | Insert a suffix if the value is not empty «SuffixWith(FirstNames,' ')» |
ToHtml | Wrap string in HTML tags «ToHtml(Description)» |
ToLower | Convert to lower case «ToLower(Name)» «ToLower(Name,1)» «ToLower(Name,2,0)» «ToLower(Name,3,2)» |
ToSentence | Convert to Sentence case «ToSentence(Surname)» |
ToTitle | Convert to Title Case «ToTitle(BookTitle)» «ToTitle(Names,'short')» |
ToUpper | Convert to UPPER case «ToUpper(Name)» «ToUpper(Name,1,1)» «ToUpper(Name,2,0)» «ToUpper(Name,3,2)» |
Trim | Removes white space or other characters from either side of a string «FormatNumber(Trim(Amount))» «Trim(List,',;')» |
TrimEnd | Trim characters from the end of a string «TrimEnd()» |
TrimStart | Trim characters from the beginning of a string «TrimStart()» |
WindowsLogonUser | Returns the user name with which the current user logged on to Windows «WindowsLogonUser()» «SetSavedDocumentFolder(Docs )» |
Command or Function Name | Description and Examples |
CompareStrings | Compare two strings «If(CompareStrings(A,B) < 0)»
contains | Test for a substring inside another string «If(contains(Word,'q'))»the word contains 'q'.«End()» |
count | Count – returns the number of a repeated item «If(count(Child) > 0)»The number of children in the family is «count(Child)»«End()» «If(count(Child) > 0)»The names of the children follow:«Foreach(Child)»«Name» «Surname»«End()»«End()» «count(Child[Age < 12])» |
EndsWith | Test whether a string ends in a given string «If(EndsWith(Surname,'-Smith'))» |
Eq | Test whether a string is equivalent to another string «If(Eq(MaritalStatus,'Mar*comm*other'))»«End()» «If(Eq(Quotation,'longandwindingroad'))»«End()» |
FileExists | Test whether file exists «If(FileExists(FileName))»do something«End()» «If(FileExists(concat(Folder,"\",FileName)))»do something«End()» |
GE | Greater than or Equal to «IIf(GE(First,Second),'First is greater than or equal to Second','First is neither greater than nor equal to Second')» |
GT | Greater than «IIf(GT(First,Second),'First is greater than Second','First is not greater than Second')» |
If | Conditionally include text into the document «If(Answer = 'No')» «End(If)» «If(Answer = 'Yes')»text when Answer is 'Yes'«Else()»text when Answer is not 'Yes'«End(If)» «If((Answer = 'Yes') or (Answer = 'Maybe') and (Amount > 500)»«End()» «If(position()= 1)»This applies only to the first repeating item.«End()» «ForEach(Party)»«PartyFullNames»«If(last() > 1)»«When(position() < last()-1,!, )»«When(position() = last()-1, and )»«End(party > 1)»«End(for each)» «ChooseFromRDBList(Gender,Male,Female)»«If(Gender = "Male")»«SetV("PronounHe","he")»«Setv("PronounHim","him")»«SetV("PronounHis","his")»«Else()»«SetV("PronounHe","she")»«SetV("PronounHim","her")»«SetV("PronounHis","her")»«End()»«RemoveParagraph()» |
IIf | IIf function «IIf((VatIndicator = 'Yes'),FormatNumber(Amount * 0.14),'0.00')» |
IsFalse | Test whether a value does not look like a boolean “true” «If(IsFalse(Option1))»Option1 («Option1») is not true«End()» |
IsTrue | Test whether a value looks like a boolean “true” «If(IsTrue(Option1))»Option1 («Option1») is true«End()» «If(not(IsTrue(Option1)))»Option1 («Option1») is false«End()» |
IsXmlElementName | Is this a valid XML element name «IsXmlElementName()» |
IsXpathExpression | Is this a valid XPATH expression «IsXpathExpression()» |
LE | Less than or Equal to «IIf(LE(First,Second),'First is less than or equal to Second','First is neither less than nor equal to Second')» |
LT | Less than «IIf(LT(First,Second),'First is less than Second','First is not less than Second')» |
MultiEquals | Compare a value against the contents of a list constructed by DefineSetAllGroup «MultiEquals()» |
RemoveColumnIf | Remove a Word table column «RemoveColumnIf(ColumnCount < 3)» «RemoveColumnIf(ColumnCount < 3,1)» «RemoveColumnIf(ColumnCount < 3,Empty)» |
RemoveRowIf | Remove a Word table row «RemoveRowIf(AgeOfChild < 18)» |
RepeaterPosition | Get the position during interview processing «RepeaterPosition(Child)» «RepeaterPosition(../Child)» |
Select | A Select/Case/Default block «Select(Testing things)»«Case(Test = 1)»Test is 1«End()»«Case(Test = 2)»Test is 2«End()»«Default()»Test is «Test»«End()»«End(Select)» «Select(Testing things)» |
ShowIfHasValue | Show the item only if it has a non-empty value «ShowIfHasValue(AddressLine3)» «ShowIfHasValue(ToUpper(AddressLine3))» |
StartsWith | Test whether a string starts with a given string «If(StartsWith(ProductName,'Microsoft'))»Good quality inside«End()» |
StartsWithVowel | Test whether a string starts with a vowel «When(StartsWithVowel(Fruit),an,a)» «When(StartsWithVowel(Accomodation,'Hh'),an,a)» |
string-length | Returns the number of characters in a value «If(string-length(AddressLine3) > 0)» |
ValueIsEmpty | Tests whether a value is empty or not «If(not(ValueIsEmpty(AddressLine1)))»«AddressLine1»«End()» |
When | Provide condition for including small text values (e.g. for gender or plural handling) «When(Gender = 'M',he,she)» «When(count(Child) = 1,child,children)» «When(StartsWithVowel(Fruit),an,a)» «Fruit» |
Object Execution
Command or Function Name | Description and Examples |
CreateObject | Create a reference to a COM or .NET object «CreateObject('Excel','Excel.Application')» «CreateObject('Account','o2Smart.PracticeManagement.Account, o2Smart.PracticeManagement','ctor',AccountNumber)» |
GetObjectValue | Get the value of a property or method call on a COM or .NET object «GetObjectValue('msword:Version')» «GetObjectValue('msword:PointsToInches',72)» |
GetProperty | Get the value of a property of a COM or .NET object «GetProperty('MyObject:MyPropertyName')» «GetProperty('msword:ActiveDocument.Name')» |
InvokeMethod | Invoke a method on a COM or .NET object «InvokeMethod('Excel.Application:Quit')» «InvokeMethod('msword:ChangeFileOpenDirectory',concat('C:\Users\',WindowsLogonUser(),'\Documents\XpressDox'))» |
SetProperty | Set the value of a property of a COM or .NET object «SetProperty('Excel.Application:ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1',Today('yyyy-MM-dd'))» |
Formatting Dates
Command or Function Name | Description and Examples |
DateAsNumber | Get a date in numeric format for numeric operations «DateAsNumber(StartDate)» |
DateTimeAsNumber | Render a date/time as a number for numeric operations «DateTimeAsNumber(StartDateTime)» |
DaysBetween | Gets the number of working days between two dates «DaysBetween(EndDate,StartDate)» «FormatNumber(((DaysBetween(Today(),DateOfBirth) div 365) - 0.5), '0')» «DaysBetween(EndDate,StartDate,'w','2016-12-16,2016-12-26,2016-12-27,2017-01-01,2017-01-02')» «DaysBetween(EndDate,StartDate,'wi','2016-12-16,2016-12-26,2016-12-27,2017-01-01,2017-01-02')» «DaysBetween(EndDate,StartDate,'wi')» |
FormatDate | Format a field as date and/or time «FormatDate(DateOfBirth,'yyyy/MM/dd','en')» «FormatDate(SignatureDate,'o MMMM yyyy')» |
FormatSeconds | Format a number of seconds into hours, minutes and seconds «FormatSeconds(Seconds,'HH:mm:ss')» «FormatSeconds(Seconds,'HH')» hours, «FormatSeconds(Seconds,'mm')» minutes and «FormatSeconds(Seconds,'ss')» seconds |
FormatTime | Format a field as a time «FormatTime(AppointmentTime,'hh:mm tt')» «FormatTime(AppointmentTime,'hh:mm tt','fr')» «FormatTime(AppointmentTime,'HH:mm:ss')» |
IncrementDate | Increment a date «IncrementDate(DateOfBirth,1,'y')» «IncrementDate(Today(),5,'d')» «IncrementDate(Today(),5,'w')» |
LastDayInMonth | Get the last day in a month «FormatDate(LastDayInMonth(Today()),'dd MMMM yyyy')» |
MonthsBetween | Gets the number of months between two dates «MonthsBetween(Today(),FirstOfJan)» |
Now | Insert the current date (i.e. today) and/or time into the document «Now('yyyy/MM/dd')» «Now('MMMM o yyyy')» «Now('d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss','de')» «Now()» |
SecondsBetween | Gets the number of seconds between two date/times «SecondsBetween('13:00:00','12:00:00')» «SecondsBetween(EndTime,StartTime)» |
Today | Insert the current date into the document «Today('yyyy/MM/dd')» «Today('MMMM o yyyy')» «Today()» |
YearsBetween | Gets the number of years between two dates «Round(YearsBetween(Today(),DateOfBirth) – 0.5)» |
YearsMonthsDaysBetween | Gets the number of years, months and days between two dates «YearsMonthsDaysBetween(EndDate,StartDate)» «YearsMonthsDaysBetween(EndDate,StartDate,'M')» |
Command or Function Name | Description and Examples |
EnableWebLocalSave | Enable Save Local on the Web «EnableWebLocalSave(Yes)» |
EnableWebPreview | Enable the Preview option on Integrated Web interview «EnableWebPreview(Yes)» «EnableWebPreview(No)» |
SendWebEmail | Set all the properties to send an email from a Web based template «SendWebEmail(ToAddress,'','','','Documents attached for your info','emailbody.html','false','true','false')» |
SetWebButtonText | Sets the text to be shown in the “Assemble Document” button on the web interview «SetWebButtonText(Submit)» |
SetWebCustomButton | Sets custom text to be implemented in the interview by the web designer «SetWebCustomButton('Do Something')» |
SetWebInterimSaveButton | Sets the text to be shown in the “InterimSave” button on the web interview, and the URL «SetWebInterimSaveButton(Save data and Exit,» |
SetWebInterviewMinimumHeight | Set the minimum height of the Web Interview «SetWebInterviewMinimumHeight(200)» |
SetWebInterviewSize | Set the Web Interview Size «SetWebInterviewSize(Medium)» |
SetWebReturnURL | Set the return URL for a web-based template «SetWebReturnURL('')» «SetWebReturnURL('')» «SetWebReturnURL('')» |
Command or Function Name | Description and Examples |
ESignAddCC | Add a CC to the e-signing process «ESignAddCC(MacroName)» |
ESignAddSignatory | Add a signatory to the e-signing process «ESignAddSignatory()» |
ESignAutomaticSend | Send the documents automatically for e-signing «ESignAutomaticSend()» |
ESignDateSignedHere | Insert the date signed«ESignDateSignedHere()» |
ESignEmail | Set the subject and email address for emails sent for e-signing «ESignEmail()» |
ESignHere | Insert a signature point «ESignHere()» |
ESignInitialHere | Insert an initial point «ESignInitialHere()» |
Command or Function Name | Description and Examples |
ForEach | Repeat for a number of repeating data elements «ForEach(Party)» «End()» «ForEach(Party,Surname,ascending,text)» «End(for each)» «ForEach(Child[Age < 12]) selects children whose age is less than 12» «End()» |
last | Used in a ForEach to test whether the last repeating item is being referenced. «last()» «If((position() > 1) and (position() < last()-1))», «End()»«If((position() > 1) and (position() = last()-1))» and «End()» |
Ordinal | Ordinal (i.e. First, Second,…) inside ForEach «Ordinal()» «Ordinal(,Eerste,Tweede,Derde,Vierde,Fyfde,Sesde,Sewende,Agste en verdere)» |
position | Get the position within a ForEach «When(position() > 1, and )» «ForEach(Party)»«PartyFullNames»«If(last() > 1)»«When(position() < last()-1,!, )»«When(position() = last()-1, and )»«End(party > 1)»«End(for each)» |
RepeaterQuestion | Insert a Repeater question. This is also available from a button on the ribbon (Low Code) «RepeaterQuestion()» |
RepeatWhile | Repeat while a condition is true «SetV('This','XXThat')»«RepeatWhile(GetV('This') != 'That')»Variable 'This' is «GetV('This')» «SetV('This',substring(GetV('This'),2))»«End()» |
Post Merge
Command or Function Name | Description and Examples |
RunWordMacro | Run a Word macro after the template has been merged. «RunWordMacro(MacroName)» «RunWordMacro(FirstMacro,SecondMacro)» |
SaveAsPdf | Specify whether or not to save the merged document in PDF format. |
SaveDataset | Specify whether or not to save the dataset. «SaveDataset(No)» |
SetCustomDocumentProperty | Sets a custom document property in the merged document. «SetCustomDocumentProperty(MadeByXpressDox,Y)» «SetCustomDocumentProperty(XDFsProf-custom1,CUSTOM1VALUE1)» |
SetDocumentName | Set the document name (referenced as ). «SetDocumentName(CoveringLetter)» |
SetSavedDataFileName | Set the file name of the data that was captured in an interview for the template. «SetSavedDataFileName(Data )» «SetSavedDataFileName(concat('Data ',GetValidFileName(AccountNumber)))» |
SetSavedDataFolder | Sets the folder where the data captured in the interview will be saved. «SetSavedDataFolder(Data )» «SetSavedDataFolder(concat('Data ',WindowsLogonUser()))» |
SetSavedDocumentFileName | Set the file name of the merged document. «SetSavedDocumentFileName()» «SetSavedDocumentFileName(concat('Document for ',GetValidFileName(AccountNumber)))» |
SetSavedDocumentFolder | Set the folder where the merged document will be saved. «SetSavedDocumentFolder(Docs )» «SetSavedDocumentFolder(concat('Docs ',WindowsLogonUser()))» |
SetSavedDocumentNameVersioning | Set the option governing the versioning of the merged document file name (default is ON) «SetSavedDocumentNameVersioning(Off)» |
UpdateFields | Indicate that the Table of Contents and Word fields must be updated «UpdateFields(Yes)» |