February 1, 2022

All commands regarding Conditional Logic - XpressDox

This is a consolidated list regarding all commands used with Document Logic. Along with each command you will find a short description and usage example if applicable. However, there are links to more detailed articles provided on each of the command names.


Test whether two strings match each other, and include the use of wildcards.
«ChooseFromList(Client,The Williams Family Trust,The Jones Family Trust)»


Can be used to test for the existence of a file, in say the case of MergeTemplate. If the file does not exist, then do not merge the template.


GE, GT, LE and LT
In the case of dynamic captions, where the use of < and > is required, then GE (Greater than or Equal To), GT (Greater Than), LT (Less Than) or LE (Less Than or Equal To) are used in place of >= in order to avoid a syntax error.


Conditionally include text into your document if a certain condition is true/false.
«If(Special_Conditions = ‘Yes’)»
Text of special conditions clause.


Inline if. Provide If… Else.. End all in one fillpoint, and include functions inside the true and false values.
«IIf((Child_Beneficiary = 'Yes'),ToUpper(Child_Name),'Child is not a beneficiary')»


Test whether a value looks like a boolean false.


Test whether a value looks like a boolean true.


Remove a table column if a condition is true.


Remove a table row if a condition is true.


A Select/Case/Default (Else/Else If) block.
«Case(Value = ‘x’)»
Value is x.
«Case(Value = ‘y’)»
Value is y.
Value is anything else.


Suppress the item if the value is empty.


Tests whether is a value is empty or not.


A short way of writing If…Else…End, providing small text values, used typically for handling plurals.
«When(count(Party) > 1,parties,party)»


Repeating items:

Returns the number of repeated items, and when used in conjunction with an If or a When can be useful to fix plurals on documents.
«when(count(Plaintiff) > 1,Plaintiffs,Plaintiff)»

Get the position of a repeater, but during the interview processing.


Testing parts of a string:

Returns the number of characters in a string.

Test whether a string contains a portion of text.

Test whether a string starts with any given string.

Test if a string ends with any given string. This example shows how to put the apostrophe in the correct place if the Client’s name ends with an ‘s’.

Test whether a string starts with a vowel.

Compare two strings, and returns a 0 if the two are the same.