Conditional Capture

Conditional Capture is an automatic feature (introduced with Version 2.3) which adds intelligence to the data capture interview. The feature will automatically hide fillpoints on the interview form when the document assembly logic in the template renders a data element to be irrelevant in a particular situation.
It is best demonstrated by example:

Suppose a template snippet looks like this:

«If(Married = 'Yes')»
«ChooseUsingRDBList(MaritalStatus,In Community of Property,Out of Community of Property)»
Marital Status:   «MaritalStatus»

When the interview displays on the screen for the first time, the value of the Married data element will initially be “Yes” (because “Yes” is the first value in the RDB list, and the first value is always the default value).  If the user clicks the “No” radio button, then the second RDB list will immediately be removed from the screen, since the MaritalStatus data element is irrelevant when the party is not married.

Note that if we had made the default (i.e. first) value of the Married RDB list “No”, then the MaritalStatus RDB list will have been hidden when the data capture dialog first loaded. In other words the Conditional Capture mechanism responds to the values of the data elements, as well as to user interaction.

As soon as a fillpoint becomes hidden via the Conditional Capture mechanism, a check box appears at the bottom of the interview screen with the caption “Show Hidden Fields”.  The user can check this check box, and the hidden fields will re-appear, but in a read-only form.  If such a field gets the focus (e.g. when the user clicks on the field) then a message is shown in the Help area, which indicates why that field was disabled for capture.

The Conditional Capture extends to apply to Tabs.  If the template author has defined tabs in the data capture interview (with the Tab command), then if the assembly logic renders all the fields on a tab to be hidden, then that entire tab is hidden.