When designing interviews that will be used on web, or that will be integrated interviews, there are commands which should be considered:
Enables the “Save Local” feature in the browser interview.
Enable the preview on integrated interviews.
Upon assembly, emails can be sent to one or more recipients with custom wording. The emails may also contain the assembled document. Stick to this command should you need to email the dataset, but a far more user friendly command is SendAsEmail. There is no need to create an html file with that one.
The “Assemble” button may be customized.
Create a custom button for use on an integrated interview. The web developer may then use that button to implement custom behavior.
Save a partially completed interview.
Control the minimum height of an interview, which would otherwise vary in height depending on the use of tabs.
The size of the interview can be set in the template. From v14 onwards, this command is technically ignored now that the interview is completely responsive and adjusts to the size that the interview has available.
Set a URL to redirect users after completing an interview in an integrated environment.