October 16, 2020

The Data Set Data Source

When you have a system of templates and have run them a number of times, say for a number of your customers, the saved data set files become a source of valuable information.  It would be nice to be able to access those data files as though they were a database.

That’s what the XpressDox Data Set Data Source will do for you.

You configure the data set data source in much the same way as any other data source – via the XpressDox configuration.

Choose the New Data Source button and you will be presented with a list of choices.  Towards the end, on the right, is the radio button with the caption “XpressDox Data Set Data Source”.

Choose that and press “Finish”.

After that, you will need to give the data source a name, press Tab and then press the Use Data Source’s Editor button to edit the Definition String.

Once you’ve pressed that button, then the really exciting work starts. You will see a form like this:

Pressing the little “?” on the top right of the form will give you some help on the different options.

In the end, a picture is worth a thousand words, and the best way to find out what this data source does is to try out various options and test the result (with the “test data source” button, or just double-click the data source name) and see what XML structure is created. Thereafter you will probably know quite well how to address the data inside a template.