December 21, 2010

Encrypt a template - XpressDox

You want people to be able to run a template that you have made, but don’t want anyone other than yourself to read or modify the template.  This can be achieved by encrypting the template.

A template can be encrypted when saving it in the XpressDox Explorer.  When saving a template, the XpressDox Explorer will open so that a name can be provided for the template file.  On the bottom right corner of the Explorer form, to the right of the Save button, there is an area where a password can be entered.  As soon as XpressDox finds a password in that area, it does the following:

  1. Encrypts the password and saves it into the template.
  2. Encrypts the template text  then saves it in the file name provided.
  3. Stores a copy of the un-encrypted template into the folder named “PreCrypto” which XpressDox creates as a sub-folder of the template folder.  This ensures that in the case where the template author forgets the password, s/he can always recover an unencrypted copy of the template to work with.  Care must be taken not to deliver that PreCrypto folder contents along with the encrypted template, or in other ways made available to unauthorised users.

XpressDox Explorer

Once a template is encrypted, it can only be opened for editing (or even if only for reading) by the XpressDox Explorer, and a user attempting to open the template will be prompted for the password.  Only if the user supplies the correct password will the template open in Word.

However, an encrypted template (or a template including an encrypted template via «IncludeTemplate()») can be run by anyone without the need to provide the password.

The encryption facility and the RestrictToLicenses command can be used together to protect a reseller’s templates from being pirated.

The encryption and RestrictToLicenses can be applied to a sub-template which is included in every template in a suite of templates (along the same lines as layout commands). In this way sensitive document assembly commands can be protected whereas the more mundane processes can be left unencrypted.