October 21, 2020

Install a third party data source

It is possible to export an XpressDox configuration file which contains data source definitions. This exported configuration can then be sent to other interested parties and imported into their own configurations. A typical example is when a data source for a specific data base is created by, say, a system administrator, and this is to be transmitted for installation by someone at a remote branch.
If you have received an exported configuration file with data sources defined in it, and want to import those data source definitions into your own configuration, then here’s how to do it:

    1. Copy the exported configuration file to a known location.
    2. Start the XpressDox configuration utility and browser to the folder which you would like to configure.
    3. In the Data Sources tab of the configuration utility, click the New button in the toolbar (the button with the little green + sign in it)
    4. Select the option “Exit this wizard and …” (see screenshot) and then press the Finish button.

    1. A form will be presented which contains the current folder’s configuration file name, and a list of the data sources in the configuration file, something like this:

  1. Using the Browse button, select the file which you copied in step 1.
  2. A list of data sources in that configuration file will be presented to you – choose the one you want, and choose the option that you would like (typically “Copy the Datasource”) and then press OK.
  3. Pressing OK causes the data source definition to be copied into the configuration you are working with.
  4. Perhaps you will need, or want, to change the name of the data source, in which case do so.
  5. Using the “Use Data Source’s Editor”, make sure the data source definition is correct (e.g. if the data source refers to a data base you may need to modify the connection string).