Installing the iManage XpressDox extension package

This article forms part of the process in configuring the iManage integration. Click here for an overview and full list of the steps to complete the integration.

Adding the XpressDox Explorer button / menu into iManage


You will receive 2 installers from us; the iManage extension package, and the extension application.


In order to deploy the XpressDox iManage Extension application (Setup-xxx-iManage-Extension-xxx.exe) to IIS:

  1. Make sure the web-server has the NET Core Module/Hosting Bundle installed for .NET Core 7 (
  2. Create a new web application in IIS and install (run the exe) the application into the IIS application directory.
  3. Configure app-pool for .NET Core runtime – note the “No Managed Code” selection.

XpressDox Document Automation integrates seamlessly into iManage


  1. Create a new DNS and add the https binding to the site:  https://<theXpressDoxInstance>
  2. Run the XpressDox application and ensure that you see the homepage.
  3. If you run into any errors while running the app – please provide us with the system event log, any errors will logged there.



Now add the XpressDox application to your instance of iManage:

This is done with the provided to you.  The package is preconfigured with the relevant redirect URLs, App Id and App Secret.

Please follow these links for instructions:

Setting up XpressDox integration with iManage work,to%20configure%20the%20application%20settings.


If you have not already done so, go ahead and configure your iManage file system in XpressDox. For that process you will need the key and secret configured in this application. They will be provided to you in an email from XpressDox. If you have already configured your iManage file system, you’ll need to edit it with this key and secret.