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Save assembled documents to iManage
This article forms part of the process in configuring the iManage integration. Click here for an overview and full list of the steps to complete the integration.
Run your XpressDox templates and save assembled documents to iManage
Now that the configuration process and (optionally) the document profile properties have been done, you are ready to run your templates. This can be done directly from XpressDox desktop, from your Cloud account, or from within iManage. Go ahead and run from the Desktop should you wish to do so.
For both of the below scenarios, upload your templates and the DocumentAssembly.config.xml file which you have just configured, to your Cloud account.
Running from the Cloud:
After uploading your templates and config, run the template as normal. The document will be assembled and if you are assembling no more than 3 documents they will automatically be opened in Word and marked as checked out in iManage. If you have assembled more than 3 you can download them from the results page, but they will also be available in iManage. On the Assembly page, click on the document to navigate to the document in the folder in iManage. Alternatively, there is a “Go to Resource” link which will also navigate to the iManage workspace where this document has been saved.
Running from iManage:
This can only be done after the package has been installed.
An XpressDox button will be added to your instance of iManage. Templates are run on a Workspace level, and as such the Client and Matter ID will be known by the interview, completing the process and saving the assembled document back into the correct Workspace.
Which templates are presented to the users
Make use of Tags in your XpressDox cloud account to tag folders/templates. On a Workspace level in iManage set which tags which should be visible when XpressDox is run for that Workspace. A limited set of templates is presented to users, minimizing the amount of navigating required. Read more about tags here.
Read custom Workspace properties in the interview
When launching templates from iManage, Workspace properties can be read by your template.
Documents are auto-opened
Assembled documents are automatically opened in Word, and marked as ‘Checked out’ in iManage. There are some things to note:
- Edge/Chrome:
This works out of the box with Edge. But if you are using Chrome, iManage provides an imWorkOptions.xml file which can be downloaded and copied to your PC. A zip of that file has been provided here. Please download it and unzip it to this location <User profile path>\AppData\Local\iManage\Work\Configs on each PC.
If there are multiple workstations, this file can be pushed via the Control Center. In iManage, go to Control Center > Office > Configuration > Upload File. Upload the unzipped file here and it will be pushed out globally.
- Prevent a pop-up:
Should a pop-up message, similar to the one pictured below, appear each time before the assembled document opens in Word, there is a registry fix that can be made.
To “pre-allow” XpressDox URLs to open the iwlnrl.exe and therefore prevent the message displaying, push out the following registry setting:
Note that this fix refers to Edge, and a similar one should be done for Chrome if necessary. Also, the URL’s in this screenshot should be the instance of XpressDox which you are using.