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October 5, 2022
Register XpressDox as an Application in NetDocuments
Click here for an overview of saving documents into NetDocuments.
The registering of an application only needs to be if XpressDox is self-hosted. Disregard this documentation if you are using our Cloud hosted solution or the Desktop version, and move directly to Step 2 of the process.
- Open the NetDocuments Developer Portal and click on “APP REGISTRATION”
(or go directly to this link).
- Click on the “New Application” button at the top, and then fill in the form as shown below:
Application Type: REST
Client Type: Confidential
Add the following redirect URI’s:
http://localhost:54532/(This is required for XpressDox Desktop to work correctly)
- Once created, the Application will appear in the grid. Click “Edit”:
- In the “Technical Settings” section is where you will find your “Client Id” and “Client Secret”.

Copy both of those and paste them somewhere as you will need them for the XpressDox configuration.
Now that the Application has been added, you are ready to proceed to step 2.