January 18, 2022

How to setup Scheduled Tasks in a self-hosted environment - XpressDox

The Scheduled Tasks feature enables you to setup:

  • a periodic ‘cleanup’ or deleting of both documents and data files from specified folders.
  • a regular building of artifacts so that during template maintenance, these artifacts can be rebuilt at a convenient time, make the templates run noticeably faster.
  • the emptying of the recycle bin.

1. Install the XpressDox Tasks Application.

2. In the Windows Task Scheduler, create an XpressDox folder into which you will be importing your new tasks.


3. Click the Import Task button on the right hand side.


4. Next browse to the XpressDox Tasks installation folder (typically C:\XpressDoxServer\XpressDoxTaskManager\ImportTasks). 

Note: If your installation folder is not the default then you need to set that path by following steps 5 – 6 below.


5. (Only required if your installation folder differs from the default.)
Click Create Task > Actions tab > Edit.


6. (This step is only required if your installation folder differs from the default.)
Set the two values as shown below:

7. Each task is imported separately. Now repeat steps 3 – 4, and optionally 5 – 6, for each of the other three tasks.


8. You should see three four tasks configured, and the status for each of the rows should be ‘Ready’.


9. Return to the XpressDox Tasks folder and open the XpressDox.TaskManager.exe.config file in Notepad++ or any text editor.


  • Edit the location to your XpressDox database (line 7 in the screenshot above).
  • If you are using a Cloud server, change the value of the 3rdPartyAccountDirectory element. Ensure that it contains the correct path to your 3rdPartyAccountDirectory which you will find in your web.config file.
  • If you are using a WinAuth Server, change the value of the SharedFoldersConfigurationPath element.
  • Line 19 in the screenshot above is the number of days after which files are permanently deleted from the Recycle Bin. This number can be customized if needed.
  • ScheduleLogs are created every time artifacts are built. These logs can be used to check syntax of templates. According to line 20 in the screenshot, these schedules are deleted after 7 days, but this value can be changed if needed.