November 10, 2017

AppendPDF - XpressDox

AppendPDF enables the user, and also the template author, to choose one or more PDF files which will be appended to the document assembled by the template in which the command appears.  The SaveAsPDF(Yes) command is issued implicitly.  The entire output document will always be a PDF.


Example – user supplies the file name


will present the user, in the interview, with a place to enter the name of the PDF file to be appended.


Example – template author supplies the file names

«AppendPdf(‘.\ClauseFiles\Pdf File.pdf|.\ClauseFiles\Test Proposal.pdf’)»

will cause the two files Pdf File.pdf and Test Proposal.pdf to be appended to the assembled document. Note that the “pipe” symbol is used to separate files in the list of files to be appended.