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Caption - XpressDox
The XpressDox caption command can be used to make the question text for a field more descriptive on the interview.
Command structure:
«Caption(FieldName,Descriptive Caption Text)»
Examples of usage:
Simple example:
«Caption(FirstName,First Name of Defendant)»
Style the caption with a font and color:
«Caption(FirstName,^b^@Blue/Microsoft Sans Serif/10@First Name of Defendant)»
Style a portion of the text:
«Caption(FirstName,@Blue/Microsoft Sans Serif/10@^b^First Name^be^ of Defendant)»
Use data captured into a field in your caption:
«Caption(DOB,Enter the Date of Birth of <FirstName>)»
With the introduction of the Question command in v14, a Caption can be specified inside the Question. Similarly, a Caption can also be specified when using a Define (not only v14).
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Changing captions dynamically
Changing the caption on repeating data
Aligning captions
Styling captions