April 14, 2011

Change the Case of a Value

Regardless of the case of the value entered into the interview or imported from a database, that value can be converted using the following commands into a different case on the assembled document:



This will place the UPPER CASE value of the data into the document:
“Fred Basset” becomes “FRED BASSET”



Converts the value to lower case:
“DEBTOR” becomes “debtor”



Converts the value to lower case except for the first character which is converted to upper case:
“WIDE GAUGE RAILWAY TRACK” becomes “Wide gauge railway track”



Converts the value to Title Case, that is the first character of each word (with some exceptions) is capitalized:
“FRED ASTAIRE TO GINGER ROGERS” becomes “Fred Astaire to Ginger Rogers”

The ‘short’ option of the ToTitle function will cause even the words shorter than 3 characters to be capitalized:
“FRED ASTAIRE TO GINGER ROGERS” becomes “Fred Astaire To Ginger Rogers”


ToUpper and ToLower have an extra two optional parameters to enable restricting the case change to a substring. For example «ToUpper(Name,1)» will return the value of the data element Name with the first character changed to upper case (and the rest left unchanged). «ToUpper(Name,3,2)» changes the third and fourth characters to upper case.
Note that this feature is available only in Version 4 and later of XpressDox.


Using the case function inside another command:

Here is an example of using one of the case functions inside another command. Here we are using the List command to list out the repeating parties, and in so doing converting all the <firstname> and <lastname> data elements to UPPER CASE.

«List(parties,ToUpper(firstname) ToUpper(lastname),!, , and )»


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