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ChooseFromDataElements - XpressDox
Once the data set being captured has acquired some data (either captured in this session or included from a data source or file), then a ChooseFromDataElements command can be used to allow the user to capture the value of a data element from the values of existing data elements.
For example, suppose the interview has place to capture Party1 and Party2, and then one of those parties is to be selected as the value of Addressee. The command would then be
This will place the values of Party1 and Party2 into a drop-down list from which the user can choose one or the other.
In another case, the values of Respondent1 and Respondent2 may have to be presented for each of a repeating set, such as the CustodialParent for each of a number of children.
A command to achieve this would be:
Please see the ChooseFromData command for information on how to populate a drop-down with values from repeating data.
Note that this command is available only in version 4.2 and later of XpressDox.