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April 13, 2012
Chr - XpressDox
This function can be used to return a character based on its numeric (Unicode) value.
Command structure:
Examples of usage:
This will insert a carriage return.
Some further examples:
- Format an address block in the questionnaire:
Chr will probably only be used in the context of building up a string where the character can’t be typed directly.
One such application is the building of a set of address lines into a block which can be displayed using the InsertFormattedText command.
- The command below assumes that values have been captured into AddressLine1 and AddressLine2, and the concat will join the two together, separated by a carriage-return character Chr(13). The concat is executed when the focus in the interview leaves the field for capturing AddressLine2 (see the OnExitSet article for an explanation of that command)