September 30, 2009

Configuring standard folders

a. Document Save Folder. This will be the default folder to which documents produced by running a template will be saved. When a template has been run, the user will be asked to provide a name for the document via a Save File dialog, and at that stage will be able to change the place where the document is saved.

i. Pattern for saved file name. When XpressDox has merged the data into a template, it will prompt the user for the file name into which the merged document is to be saved. If a pattern is defined in this field, then the default file name for the document will be the result of inserting data elements into the pattern.

In the example above, the values of the TemplateName and AccountNumber data elements in the data captured for the template are inserted into the pattern, to give a default file name. The ‘<>’ around the data element names identifies them as such.

Please see Advanced File Handling for more information regarding document and data file paths and names.

ii. Format of merged documents. Merged documents are by default saved as Microsoft® Office Word documents. The user can decide for each template folder the format in which the documents merged from those templates must be saved: Either as Word, PDF, or both.

iii. Save Interview Data Only. When this option is selected, and a template is run, the user will not have the option of saving the merged document.  Only the captured data set will be saved.  In addition, when the document is opened in Word, it will be opened with the Word default name, i.e. Document<n>, and the document will appear “unsaved” to the user (i.e. when the user closes the document without saving, Word will ask whether it should be saved or not).

Note that if Save Interview Data Only is configured for a folder, then by the time a template has run, both the folder and the file name for the saved data set must have been resolved, either by the configured folder and file name pattern, or inside the template by means of the SetSavedDataFolder and/or SetSavedDataFileName commands.

The Defer option means that the option is not configured for this folder, and so the value to be used when a template is run will be taken from the merged configuration.  If the merged configuration does not specify a value for the option, then “No” is assumed.

Note that the Format of merged documents and Save Interview Data Only = Yes are mutually exclusive.

b. Data Save Folder. The data captured as part of running a template will be saved with a name similar to that provided by the user when the document is saved – with the extension ‘.xddata.xml’ instead of ‘.xml’ in this folder.

If the user chooses a different folder to save the document from the one configured as the Document Save Folder, then the data will be saved to this new folder, that is the same folder as the document.

i. Pattern for saved file name. If the data file name is required to be different from that chosen by XpressDox, then a pattern can be inserted in this field.

This is similar to the ‘Pattern for saved file name’ as described for the Document Save Folder above.

c. Clauses Library Folder. When XpressDox finds an InsertDocument command, that is the command which inserts a document whose name is contained in a data element, it will prompt the user for the file name of the document, and will default the folder for that prompt to the Clauses Library Folder.

When this folder is defined for the Home folder configuration, then this folder becomes the ‘My Clauses’ folder, which is used from the ‘My Clauses’ toolbar button feature. This feature enables the user to choose a clause from the ‘My Clauses’ folder, and that clause is inserted into the active Word document.

A more in depth treatment of configuring the Standard Folders is presented in the recipe Configure a multi-application environment and it is recommended that you read that too.