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Creating Cleanup and Optimization Tasks on your Server folders - XpressDox
Improve performance on your XpressDox cloud account
Account/File Administrators can create Cleanup and Optimization Tasks to facilitate the best performance on your Server account. This entails:
- Creating artifacts after hours so that interviews build faster; and
- Specifying when to delete documents and/or data files from selected folders.
Artifacts are built when templates are run for the first time after a template (or any of its included templates) are changed. It can prove to be a frustrating experience for users who run those templates for the first time and receive a less than optimal experience. If many templates are uploaded, a task which is likely done after hours, then it is not feasible for the Account / File Administrator to manually run each of those templates. Instead set a scheduled task, an Optimization schedule, for the cloud account to create the artifacts automatically.
To create an Optimization Schedule (can be done by either an Account or File Administrator):
- Click on the context menu of any folder, and then click on Optimization Schedule.
- On the next dialog select your preferred options, and click Update and then Close. Running the task daily, outside of your business hours, is recommended.
- To view, update or delete your Optimization Schedules, click on Tasks > Optimization Schedules on the left hand side.
To create a Cleanup Schedule (can only be done by an Account Administrator):
- Click on the Context menu of any folder, and then on Cleanup Schedule.
- On the next dialog choose how often Documents and/or Datasets should be deleted. In the example below, Datasets would be removed after 30 days and Documents after 10 days. All Subfolders can be included in this task, as indicated by the checkbox below. Once done, click Save.
- To view, update or delete your Cleanup Schedules, click on Tasks > Cleanup Schedules on the left hand side.
Reports of the Schedules
Reports from the Optimization Schedules are produced in a ScheduleLogs folder (which can be found in the same location as the scheduled tasks are set). These reports are useful in that they can be used to check if the artifacts ran as well as how long they took. They are even useful in troubleshooting errors on the template set! They will highlight any syntax errors.