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July 14, 2023
GetV - XpressDox
GetV gets the value of an XpressDox variable.
Reference material:
Please read through this article to understand the difference between data elements and variables.
And this article for an overview of working with variables in an XpressDox template.
And for reference, here is a post containing a comprehensive list of all the commands about variables.
Some concepts with an example:
GetV (Get Variable) works in conjunction with SetV (Set Variable). You must Set a variable before you can Get it / use it.
«Comment(using variables in calculations)»
«Comment(now set a Total and Get the previously set amounts to use in the calculation)»
«SetVr('Total',(GetV(‘Amt1’) + GetV(‘Amt2’) - GetV(‘Amt3’)))»
TOTAL: «GetV(‘Total’)»
As demonstrated, all variable names appear in quotes, unless you are using the shortcut notation as described in the overview article.