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IIf - XpressDox
This function is a kind of short cut to writing «If()»
… «Else()»
… «End()»
in certain circumstances.
Using If.. Else.. End:
Suppose you want to write something like
The amount of VAT applicable is ….
Where the …. above is either zero, if no VAT is applicable, or is Amount * VatPercentage div 100
Using the If command that would be:
The amount of VAT applicable is «If((VatApplicable = 'Yes')»«FormatNumber(Amount * VatPercentage div 100)»«Else()»
Using IIf:
You could combine those all into one fillpoint like this:
The amount of VAT applicable is «IIf((VatApplicable = 'Yes'),FormatNumber(Amount * VatPercentage div 100),'0.00')»
This function, the Inline If, gets its name from the Basic language function which operates in a similar fashion.
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Learn more about conditional logic here.