September 28, 2009

Managing favorite templates

This tab is only available for the Home folder. It enables the user to specify a number of templates that they use frequently, and these templates are then presented in the Microsoft® Office Word UI in a menu, so that the user can have quick access to them.

Typically, users would enter their own favorites using the Add to Favorites toolbar button in the XpressDox toolbar (or ribbon in Word 2007). Favorites can only be removed from the list, or the alias or description altered, with the Configuration UI.

XpressDox Docussembly™ favorite templates configuration

a. The Alias is the short label that will be applied to the Word ribbon toolbar (only in Word 2007). The ‘&’ character is used by XpressDox to inform Word of the ‘Key Tip’ shortcut key to be used for that function. In the absence of the ‘&’, XpressDox will use the first character of the Alias as the shortcut key.

Please note in this example that the first two favorite templates would have the same shortcut key, namely ‘L’.

  b. The Description will appear as help text when the user hovers the mouse over the button.

c. Shared Favorites: These are only applicable to situations where there are many users who need to share the same templates. They would be configured by someone like a site IT Administrator. The mechanism is to configure them in the Home Folder of some or other user (maybe the Site IT Administrator themselves) and then copy the configuration file to the shared location.