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PlaceHolder - XpressDox
Add Heading or Footing text onto the XpressDox interview
«PlaceHolder(DummyDataElement)» will create an invisible control on the interview, but will enable Headings or Footings to be attached to that control.
This would be used to include text into an interview screen, and in particular to include text which must appear or disappear depending on certain conditions.
For example:
«If(PartyType = 'Company')»
«PlaceHolder(Dummy1)»«Heading(Dummy1,Enter the Company Registration Number)»
«PlaceHolder(Dummy2)»«Heading(Dummy2,Enter the Passport Number or Social Security Number)»
The reference number is: «Reference_Number»
When the PartyType is ‘Company’ then the heading “Enter the Company Registration Number” will appear above the Reference_Number in the interview, otherwise “Enter the Passport Number or Social Security Number” will appear there.
Note that the data elements Dummy1 and Dummy2 in this example are named like that because they will not form part of the captured data set, and are not available for use in any other part of the template or merged document.
Each «PlaceHolder» command will need its own unique (dummy) data element name.
Typically, the PlaceHolder command would be defined inside a Define command, as the PlaceHolder command is never used on its own but always in conjunction with Heading and/or Footing and perhaps Hyperlink.
Using Tabs
When Tabs are used on an interview, Placeholders should also be assigned to a Tab. They are data elements, and if they are not assigned to a Tab will end up on a General tab.
The Placeholder command can take a parameter «PlaceHolder(DummyDataElement,TabTitle)». This is useful in situations when you need a Title at the top of a tab but don’t want to rely on the relevance of any of the existing data elements on the tab. Creating a TabTitle Placeholder ensures that the Placeholder is only relevant when the entire tab itself is relevant i.e. if at least one data element on the tab is relevant.
«Caption(ShowDataElements,Do you want to show the data elements in the second tab?)»
«if(ShowDataElements = ‘Yes’)»
«FirstName» «MiddleName» «LastName»