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SaveAsPDF - XpressDox
In the configuration of a template folder, the “PDF” option can be specified which will cause XpressDox to create a PDF version of every template merged from that folder.
Sometimes not all templates are required to be merged and saved as PDF, and only selected templates should result in PDF files.
This can be achieved by NOT configuring the PDF option (in the Standard Folders section of the configuration for the folder), and placing the following command in the template:
This will save the merged document for that template PDF in addition to (that’s what the ‘Also’ means) the format specified in the configuration (i.e. it could be default (.xml), .doc or .docx).
Another option will cause PDF to be the only format in which the merged document is stored:
Please note that saving as PDF is not supported in Word 2003, and is supported with Word 2007 as long as the (free) PDF add-in from Microsoft® has been installed. PDF support is built in to Word 2010 and later versions of Word.
With effect from Version 7.2, all PDF documents produced will always be encrypted, and only available for viewing or printing.
If the PDF needs to be stored as un-encrypted, this can be done using the Unencrpyt option, like this: