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Add data elements as well as trailing text to a group, so that the controls and text read like a sentence on your interview.
The effect on the interview:
Instead of arranging each of the elements underneath each other on the interview, the SentenceGroup command could have the following effect, beginning with some starting text, some data elements (which may or may not have captions) and ending with some trailing text).
Example code:
«Heading(PH_head,When can the option to renew be exercised?)»
During the period of «FirstNumber» «ChooseFromList(FirstPeriod,months,years)»«FirstPeriod» starting on the date
«SecondNumber» «ChooseFromList(SecondPeriod,months,years)»«SecondPeriod» before the last day of the Term
«Comment(the following could go in a code template)»
«SentenceGroup(During the period of,FirstNumber,FirstPeriod,SecondNumber,SecondPeriod,before the last day of the Term)»
«Comment(empty out some of the captions)»
«Caption(SecondNumber,starting on the date)»
«Comment(optionally resize some of the fields)»
Constructing the command:
The SentenceGroup helper will guide you through the options; add the data elements as well as a leading caption. Leaving out a fixed width will ensure that the fields adjust when the interview is resized. SentenceGroup includes a leading caption as well as a trailing caption (not pictured here, but also available in this helper), both of which can be styled in font/color.
In the example above, only 1 of the fields has a caption and it’s also important to note that left captions work best in this scenario. If your template already has AlignCaptions(Top), individual captions can be left aligned with the AlignCaption(SecondNumber,Left). In the example, the remaining 3 captions have been emptied so that the sentence reads better.