April 2, 2022

Most Often Used Commands

Learning XpressDox is a bit like learning a new language. It takes a little practice (and patience) to become fluent. The great news is that in this language, you don’t need very many words (commands) to speak it!


Low Code:

You will likely start your XpressDox journey using the Low Code functions, and along with Manage Interview, there are only 3 you need to know. These are all available on the XpressDox ribbon:

Command Name Description
Question Ask a question e.g. text, date, lists, on the interview
If Include conditional text into your document based on the answer to a question.
ForEach Make provision for an unlimited number of repeating items on a template.


Full Code:

You will probably find that you will want to move off Low Code quite quickly and delve into some of the full code commands, located in the Command Assistant on the XpressDox ribbon. Here are a few commands that you might find useful:

Command Name Description
AlignCaptions Aligns the captions on the interview on top or to the left of the fields
Caption Set the caption for the data element on the interview screen
CaptureDataElement Places a control for the data element on the interview screen
Change case Convert to UPPER, Sentence, Title, or lower case.
Comment Provide a comment inside the template which is not visible on the interview or the document.
Dollars Convert a numeric value into a Dollar currency.
Heading Place heading text above a data element in the interview, and footing text below a data element.
IncludeTemplate Include the contents of a different template as part of this template.
IncrementDate Increment a date by a certain number of days, months or years.
OnExitSet Set the value of a data element during the interview phase.
Required Mark one or more data elements on the interview as required.
Today Insert the current date into the assembled document.
Variables Set temporary values with SetV (or SetVr), and get the values with GetV.
When Conditionally include small text values.