
CentsToCurrency - XpressDox

Convert a cents amount back to currency after use in calculations   You can use this function in your XpressDox templates to convert a cents amount back to your currency e.g. 123456 to $1234.56 typically after use in calculations.   Please read more about the use of this function at...

CurrencyToCents - XpressDox

Convert a currency amount to cents for use in calculations   You can use this function in your XpressDox templates to convert a currency amount to cents e.g. $1234.56 to 123456 to use it in calculations. Please read more about the use of this function at this post.

Why do my calculations not work? (Part 1)

Usually performing calculations with XpressDox is straightforward. There are some issues to be born in mind, and this Cookbook recipe explores these.

How to perform calculations on currency amounts - XpressDox

Performing calculations on currency amounts Probably the most accurate way to perform arithmetic on money values in XpressDox is to reduce all currency to integer values (e.g. Dollars to cents, Pounds to pence, etc), perform the arithmetic and then render the value back to the currency value.  The aim is...