
ChooseFromDataSource - XpressDox

The template author will use this command to provide a way for the user of a template to choose data from a Data Source and those data can then be inserted into the template.   Watch a quick demo on the ChooseFromDataSource command:   Simple Form The simplest form of...

ChooseFromFile - XpressDox

The ChooseFromFile command This command is in some ways similar to ChooseFromDataSource, except that the data are defined either in a simple text file, csv file, or an XML file, and the file does not have to be configured into the Data Sources configuration:   Command structure: «ChooseFromFile(lookups:Correspondents.txt)» «ChooseFromFile(shared:Partners.csv)»  ...

Ways to interact with a data source

Now that your data source has been configured, there are a few different ways in which you can interact with that data source. For example:   ChooseFromDataSource Present the users with a database icon, and allow them to select a record from the database using a search UI.   LinkToDataSource...

Using data in a LinkToDataSource

When it comes to pulling data from a client database, you probably want your users to type in a number, press TAB and populate the interview immediately with data.   Type in your number, and press TAB   Example code: The code for that looks like this: «LinkToDataSource(AccountNumber,Clients,RefreshNoSave,id=<AccountNumber>)» where AccountNumber...

IncludeDataSourceData - XpressDox

Include data from a configured data source in a template   Instead of selecting one or more rows from a data source in the interview, you can use the IncludeDataSourceData to include data in your template.   Please refer to this article for more information.

Using data in a ChooseFromDataSource

Now that you have configured a data source, the data can be used on your XpressDox template using commands such as ChooseFromDataSource or IncludeDataSourceData. Learn more about these XpressDox commands here.

Using data in an IncludeDataSourceData

Using the data source commands on your XpressDox template (..cont) If you have not yet configured a data source, you need to do before proceeding. You will find instructions on how to configure a data source here.   Whereas the ChooseFromDataSource relies on interaction from the user in the interview,...

How to change data or insert new data into a data source

Data from a data base can be inserted into a template. Perhaps this data has changed since it was last updated in the database, and the template-running-user is the one who knows about this change. It should be permissible for the user to change the data and have the change...