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Count - XpressDox
Count This function can be used to return the number of instances of a given repeated item. «ForEach(Child)» «Child_Name» «End()» Number of children: «count(Child)» Conditions may be added to the «Count» command, as illustrated below: «ForEach(Child)» «Child_Name», (Age «Age») «End()» Number of children 12 years or older: «Count(Child[Age >= 12])»
All commands regarding Repeating Data - XpressDox
All XpressDox commands regarding repeating data Here is a consolidated list of all XpressDox commands regarding the handling of repeating data. Click on each command for a more detailed article. ForEach() Repeat data elements and/or text. Repeats can be nested to any number of levels i.e. ForEach’s within...
Ensure your Plurals are correct - XpressDox
Ensuring that plurals are correct on your XpressDox templates Documents / Precedents often have numerous places where constructs such as “is/are” or “child/children” appear, or else the singular is always used. With document assembly, and XpressDox in particular, the template can provide instructions in conditional assembly which can insert the...
Using XSLT functions - XpressDox
XpressDox uses XSLT technology to insert data elements into Merge Fields. This means that a vast amount of functionality is available to the experienced user, especially the XSLT functions, which are used to format data. XpressDox functions and XSLT functions can be mixed in one Merge Field