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Caption - XpressDox
The XpressDox caption command can be used to make the question text for a field more descriptive on the interview. Command structure: «Caption(FieldName,Descriptive Caption Text)» Examples of usage: Simple example: «FirstName» «Caption(FirstName,First Name of Defendant)» Style the caption with a font and color: «Caption(FirstName,^b^@Blue/Microsoft Sans Serif/10@First Name...
Define - XpressDox
Controlling the layout of your interview in your XpressDox template XpressDox gives quite a lot of power to template authors in controlling the layout of the interview for a template. Controlling the layout using multiple commands: For example, the layout commands for an email address might look...
PE (PhraseEnding) - XpressDox
Use PhraseEnding to punctuate the ends of phrases or clauses. The PhraseEnding (shortened to PE) command is used to control punctuation at the end of conditional phrases or clauses. Say for instance you have checkboxes which include or exclude certain clauses, and those clauses should be punctuated with semi-colons....