
Debug - XpressDox

Missing or superfluous End commands When a template is run, XpressDox will check for missing and floating End commands as well as floating Else commands. Wherever possible, the error message warning about one of these situations will give some context within the document where the relevant command is, so that...

If Command - XpressDox

Using the If command, chunks of text can be included in or excluded from the assembled document depending on values provided by the user in the interview.   Command structure: «If(Balance_Outstanding > 10000)» «If(Beneficiary = 'Yes')»   Examples of usage: Suppose special wording is required when the Balance_Outstanding is greater...

Conditional processing - If, Else, When

Including in or excluding text from a document can be achieved in a straightforward manner with the If, Else and When commands.

Trouble shooting Ends and Elses

In complex templates, the balancing of End and Else commands with the matching If or ForEach can become difficult. This recipe explains how to use the Template Painter and the Debug command.