Contains – XpressDox
This function is used to test for a string anywhere inside another string, and would appear inside a command such as If, When or Iif. Example: «If(contains(Surname,’prmzl’))»«Surname» is not an English name.«End()» Related
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This function is used to test for a string anywhere inside another string, and would appear inside a command such as If, When or Iif. Example: «If(contains(Surname,’prmzl’))»«Surname» is not an English name.«End()» Related
EndsWith tests the end of a string: «If(EndsWith(Surname,’-Smith’)» «Surname» is a double-barrelled name. «SetV(‘FirstPart’,substring(Surname,1,string-length(Surname) – 6))»«Comment(SetV(‘FirstPart’,string-before(‘-Smith’)) is equivalent)» «End()» «Name_of_Client»«If(not(EndsWith(ToLower(Name_of_Client),’s’)))»’s«Else()»’«End()»
The StartsWith function (an XSLT function) is used to test whether a string starts with a given string: «If(StartsWith(Surname,’van ‘)»«Title» «Surname» is probably of Dutch descent.«End()» «If(StartsWith(Surname,’van ‘)»«Setv(‘LastPart’,substring-after(Surname,’van ‘))»«End()» In previous versions this command was
Use the substring function to extract a portion of a string in your XpressDox template Extract from a position in the string until the end The following example will begin extracting the value of
Working with strings in XpressDox templates SubstringAfter tests for a string which occurs in another string, but after delimeter inside the string «Comment(This example includes SubstringBefore and SubstringAfter)» The first name is «SubstringBefore(FullNames,’ ‘)» and
SubstringBeforeLast and SubstringAfterLast These two functions help with manipulation of strings like file paths or IP addresses which have multiple occurrences of a delimiter. For the following examples, assume the data element DocFilePath contains ‘C:\Documents\XpressDox\WordFile.docx’.
Working with strings in XpressDox templates SubstringBefore tests for a string which occurs in another string, but before a delimeter inside the string. «Comment(This example includes SubstringBefore and SubstringAfter)» The first name is «SubstringBefore(FullNames,’ ‘)»
SubstringBeforeLast and SubstringAfterLast These two functions help with manipulation of strings like file paths or IP addresses which have multiple occurrences of a delimiter. For the following examples, assume the data element DocFilePath contains ‘C:\Documents\XpressDox\WordFile.docx’.
Working with strings in XpressDox templates StartsWith The StartsWith function is used to test whether a string starts with a given string: «If(StartsWith(Surname,’van ‘)»«Title» «Surname» is probably of Dutch descent.«End()» «If(StartsWith(Surname,’van ‘)»«SetV(‘LastPart’,substring-after(Surname,’van ‘))»«End()» In