Styling and coloring the Caption, Footing and Heading
The style (i.e. bold, italic and/or underline) and color of a Caption or Heading can be set to enhance the usability of the XpressDox data capture interview.
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The style (i.e. bold, italic and/or underline) and color of a Caption or Heading can be set to enhance the usability of the XpressDox data capture interview.
Guidance notes on the interview Consider this interview demo on the XpressDox website. To give the users context for the interview, guidance notes, opinions, Heading commands have been used to place text on the first
The «Footing()» command can be used to place text below a data element on the interview. Use the Heading and Footing commands to bring some context to the fields on the interview, or insert breaks
Place text above a data element on your XpressDox interview Use the Heading and Footing commands to bring some context to the fields on the interview, or insert breaks in the form of blank Headings
With the advent of The OnExitSet and OnEnterSet Commands, it became possible to have the captions (or footing text or heading text) of a data element in the interview change in response to the user
Add Heading or Footing text onto the XpressDox interview «PlaceHolder(DummyDataElement)» will create an invisible control on the interview, but will enable Headings or Footings to be attached to that control. This would be used to
This command enables you to apply section headings to different parts of the data capture UI.