
CaptureInGrid - XpressDox

Present repeating data to the user in a grid format –  a bit like a spreadsheet.   Command structure: «CaptureInGrid(Party,Yes)»   Examples of usage: «ForEach(Party)» Full Name: «FullNames» Type: «ChooseFromList(Type,,Individual,Entity)»«Type» Contact number: «ContactNumber» «End()» «CaptureInGrid(Party,Yes)» The original mechanism for capturing repeated data in the classic / pre-v14 interview was for...

All commands regarding Repeating Data - XpressDox

All XpressDox commands regarding repeating data   Here is a consolidated list of all XpressDox commands regarding the handling of repeating data. Click on each command for a more detailed article.   ForEach() Repeat data elements and/or text. Repeats can be nested to any number of levels i.e. ForEach’s within...

ForEach: Handling repeating data

The central issue with repeating data is that the number of repeated data elements is not known at the time the template is authored, and so XpressDox offers the ForEach, List and Ordinal commands as a way of processing a variable number of repeated data elements.

Capture repeating data, print a list and filter

Repeating data elements presents a challenge to the template author, especially in formulating sentences and descriptions where the number of parties or invoice items or other repeating data is unknown at the time of authoring the template. This recipe in the Cookbook demonstrates how XpressDox meets this challenge.

Repeating data: Ordinal values, and ordinal with a filter

A common issue with repeating data is the requirement to refer to the items within the list by their ordinal values.

Manage the number of items in a repeat - XpressDox

When users enter repeating data into your XpressDox template, you can manage the number of occurrences of a repeater. “Repeaters” are otherwise called “complex elements” in XML, but are essentially items through which you can iterate using a «ForEach()» in the template. An example would be My children are: «ForEach(Child)» Name:...

Last - XpressDox

XpressDox templates make use of XSLT functions The last() function inserts the value of the last repeating item in a given ForEach repeater. It is an XSLT function, but can be used in an XpressDox template. This article provides more background on using XSLT functions in XpressDox.   Some examples...

Ensure your Plurals are correct - XpressDox

Ensuring that plurals are correct on your XpressDox templates Documents / Precedents often have numerous places where constructs such as “is/are” or “child/children” appear, or else the singular is always used. With document assembly, and XpressDox in particular, the template can provide instructions in conditional assembly which can insert the...

RemoveRowIf - XpressDox

Removes a table row in your XpressDox template if a certain condition is true.   When your template contains a table and that table contains rows which should be only included if certain conditions are true, the «RemoveRowIf()» command can be a simple way of deleting rows without the need...

Sum - XpressDox

Add up repeating numbers using the Sum() function   To simply add up all the numbers inside a ForEach, you can use the Sum() function as demonstrated below: «ForEach(Invoice_item)» «position()». «Desc»: «FormatNumber(Amount)» «End()» TOTAL: «FormatNumber(sum(Invoice_item/Amount))» «CaptureInGrid(Invoice_item,Yes)»   Using some XPATH, you can add on to the above code snippet and...

SetMultipleDocumentFilter - XpressDox

The SetMultipleDocumentFilter empowers the template author to designate a filter which will apply when the Document per Repeated Item is used.