
FormatNumber - XpressDox

A numeric value can be formatted in many different ways under control of a pattern string.

FormatNumberOnInput - XpressDox

Although users can enter numbers with formatting according to their own region, often they enter numbers with no spaces or other punctuation. The FormatNumberOnInput command assists the user with readability of numbers on the interview. It does not affect the assembled document in any way.   Command structure: «FormatNumberOnInput('#,###.##')» This...

Rand - XpressDox

Convert numbers into words (Rands) in your XpressDox Document Automation template. The Rand function will translate a numeric value into a currency in words, specifically Rands in English.   Command structure: «Rand(Price)»   Example: «Rand(Price,'')»(«FormatNumber(Price,'$#,0.00;')?»)    

RandAfrikaans - XpressDox

Convert numbers into words (Rands) in your XpressDox Document Automation template. The RandAfrikaans function will translate a numeric value into a currency in words, specifically Rands in Afrikaans. Command structure: «RandAfrikaans(Price)» Example: «RandAfrikaans(Price,'')»(«FormatNumber(Price,'$#,0.00;')?»)