DaysBetween – XpressDox
The DayBetween function returns the number of days between the two dates. For example: I was born on «FormatDate(DateOfBirth,‘d MMMM yyyy’)» which means I am «floor(DaysBetween(Today(),DateOfBirth) div 365.25)» years old.
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The DayBetween function returns the number of days between the two dates. For example: I was born on «FormatDate(DateOfBirth,‘d MMMM yyyy’)» which means I am «floor(DaysBetween(Today(),DateOfBirth) div 365.25)» years old.
Dates can be formatted according to patterns defined in the fillpoints. Command structure: «FormatDate(Date_of_Engagement,”yyyy-MM-dd”)» «FormatDate(Date_of_Signature,”MMM d yyyy”)» «FormatDate(Date_of_Dismissal,”d MMMM, yyyy”)» «FormatDate(Date_of_Signature,”MMMM o yyyy”)» «FormatDate(Date_of_Signature,”dddd MMMM o yyyy”)» These examples would result in something
Date calculations: Increment a date by a certain number of days, months or years. First, some simple examples: Add 25 years to the value in the data element ‘DateOfBirth’: «IncrementDate(DateOfBirth,25, “y”)» Insert tomorrow’s
When entering dates for a contract, it is important to get them right during the interview. It might be possible to control this via the Rule command, but often it is very useful to reflect