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Install XpressDox Server
Important information to read before installing your XpressDox Server This document contains instructions on how to install your XpressDox Server. Before you start, please note: The following instructions assume you have the authority and rights to add and configure a website on your network / server environment. The instructions...
Managing XpressDox Tags
What are XpressDox tags The concept of tags has been introduced in v14. It is available in the web only, and is used to present a simplified view of folders and files to the end user instead of the entire template library and expecting them to navigate around. Templates and...
Folder permissions in XpressDox Cloud - XpressDox
Setting folder permissions on the Cloud server There are 3 ways to set folder permissions on a Cloud Server; add User Groups, make use of My Documents or register an additional Cloud account. User Groups This feature is available from version 12.1 onwards and can be used to ensure that...