
Caption - XpressDox

The XpressDox caption command can be used to make the question text for a field more descriptive on the interview.   Command structure: «Caption(FieldName,Descriptive Caption Text)»   Examples of usage: Simple example: «FirstName» «Caption(FirstName,First Name of Defendant)»   Style the caption with a font and color: «Caption(FirstName,^b^@Blue/Microsoft Sans Serif/10@First Name...

CaptureDataElement - XpressDox

The background to this command probably needs a bit of experience in authoring more complex templates. Because XpressDox uses XSLT technology to format the documents, it is possible to use XSLT and XPath expressions to control some of the processing.

ChooseFromList - XpressDox

This is a command which will present the user (via the interview) with a list of options from which to choose the value of a data element rather than a free-format text field.   Command structure: I live in «ChooseFromList(State,Alabama,Alaska,Arizona,Arkansas,California,Colorado, Connecticut,Delaware,Florida,Georgia,Hawaii,Idaho,Illinois,Indiana,Iowa,Kansas,Kentucky, Louisiana,Maine,Maryland,Massachusetts,Michigan,Minnesota,Mississippi,Missouri,Montana, Nebraska,Nevada,New Hampshire,New Jersey,New Mexico,New York,North Carolina,North Dakota,Ohio,Oklahoma, Oregon,Pennsylvania,Rhode...

The Question Command - XpressDox

The Question Command in XpressDox Document Automation With the launch of XpressDox low code, or version 14, the Question command was introduced to simplify the process of template coding. On the XpressDox ribbon click “New Question”, complete the information in the helper and click OK to insert your new fillpoint....

Provide default values in the interview

Using a simple text file as a data source, XpressDox provides the template author with the ability to set data elements to default values which the template user can then accept, or modify for each template run.

New to XpressDox? A quick look at creating your first template

This example will take you through how easy it is to convert a Word document into an XpressDox template (using XpressDox v14). First identify the variable text in the document that will become questions in your template. Next, highlight some variable text, and click on the Question command in the...

The If Block (v14) - XpressDox

The ribbon With the launch of XpressDox low code, or version 14, the If Block is now available directly from the ribbon. This makes inserting conditional logic really quick and simple. Open the If Block from the ribbon and notice how all the field names from your template appear in...

FormatDate - XpressDox

Dates can be formatted according to patterns defined in the fillpoints.   Command structure: «FormatDate(Date_of_Engagement,"yyyy-MM-dd")» «FormatDate(Date_of_Signature,"MMM d yyyy")» «FormatDate(Date_of_Dismissal,"d MMMM, yyyy")» «FormatDate(Date_of_Signature,"MMMM o yyyy")» «FormatDate(Date_of_Signature,"dddd MMMM o yyyy")»   These examples would result in something like, respectively: 2019-02-07 Feb 7 2019 7 February, 2019 February 7th 2019 Thursday February 7th...

FormatNumber - XpressDox

A numeric value can be formatted in many different ways under control of a pattern string.

XpressDox: Low Code vs Full Code

Low Code vs Full Code: How do I know when to change?   This article will attempt to answer some questions around Low Code and Full Code, and when/if to make the switch. First, let’s go back to Low Code.   What is XpressDox Low Code? All baked in to...

InsertDataElement - XpressDox

The XpressDox InsertDataElement command   The XpressDox InsertDataElement command performs the same function as the “Re-use Field” on the XpressDox ribbon. After selecting the command from the Command Assistant, choose a Field name from the list and then select one of the formatting options.   If applicable, further questions will...

PE (PhraseEnding) - XpressDox

Use PhraseEnding to punctuate the ends of phrases or clauses.   The PhraseEnding (shortened to PE) command is used to control punctuation at the end of conditional phrases or clauses. Say for instance you have checkboxes which include or exclude certain clauses, and those clauses should be punctuated with semi-colons....