
AddCCAddress - XpressDox

Add additional addresses to your XpressDox email template After using the SaveAsEmail or SendAsEmail functions, additional addressees can be added to the XpressDox email template. This function is the same as the AddBCCAddress function but instead of adding BCC addresses, you can add CC addresses to the template.

XpressDox Commands which should be considered when designing templates for integration

When designing interviews that will be integrated into other applications, there are commands which should be considered:   EnableWebLocalSave Enables the “Save Local” feature in the browser interview.   EnableWebPreview Enable the preview on integrated interviews.   SendWebEmail Upon assembly, emails can be sent to one or more recipients with...

SendAsEmail - XpressDox

Save XpressDox templates as emails This function is similar to the SaveAsEmail function, except that the XpressDox template is assembled to an email (eml) and sent directly from the web. Command structure: «SendAsEmail('','Information required')» SendAsEmail takes 2 parameters, the email address to whom the email should be sent and the...