
Why can't I browse my Documents folder in my cloud account

Too many files in a folder Unless otherwise specified, assembled documents are auto saved to a default location and given a name. The location is a folder called Documents inside the same folder that the template is run from, and the name of the assembled document is the same as...

SetSavedDocumentFileName - XpressDox

The «SetSavedDocumentFileName()» command not only ensures that the merged document is saved, but also how it should be named. In the desktop (Word) version of XpressDox, there is a checkbox for the user to choose whether or not to save their assembled document. But regardless of whether the user checks...

SetSavedDocumentFolder - XpressDox

Classic Usage In addition to forcing the saving of documents and naming them using the SetSavedDocumentFileName command, the template author can use the «SetSavedDocumentFolder» command in the template to have control over where the documents are stored. Here is an example: «SetSavedDocumentFolder(Documents\<AccountNumber>)» If the Document Save Folder set in this...

SetSavedDocumentNameVersioning - XpressDox

Switch on and off versioning of documents assembled by XpressDox Using the SetSavedDocumentFileName command you can determine a meaningful file name for your assembled document. And by default if a subsequent file is created with the same name, the file is versioned. This can be switched off using the «SetSavedDocumentNameVersioning()»...

Advanced file handling

As well as configuring the folders where documents and data are to be stored, the filename which will be given to the saved documents and data can be defined, using the 'Pattern for saved file name' described in configuring standard folders.