
String-length - XpressDox

String-length is used to test the length of a string (the value of a data element)     Consider the following example. The business rule is that the value of «Code» may not be more than 4 characters. In order to guide users, a rule has been written testing the...

Substring - XpressDox

Use the substring function to extract a portion of a string in your XpressDox template   Extract from a position in the string until the end The following example will begin extracting the value of GivenString from position 5 until the end. «substring(GivenString,5)»   Extract a portion of the string...

SubstringAfter - XpressDox

Working with strings in XpressDox templates SubstringAfter tests for a string which occurs in another string, but after delimeter inside the string «Comment(This example includes SubstringBefore and SubstringAfter)» The first name is «SubstringBefore(FullNames,' ')» and the last part of the name is «SubstringAfter(FullNames,' ')»   Read more about working with...

Testing parts of a string - XpressDox

Working with strings in XpressDox templates   StartsWith The StartsWith function is used to test whether a string starts with a given string: «If(StartsWith(Surname,'van ')»«Title» «Surname» is probably of Dutch descent.«End()» «If(StartsWith(Surname,'van ')»«SetV('LastPart',substring-after(Surname,'van '))»«End()» In previous versions this command was known as starts-with. Backward compatibility ensures that XpressDox will still...