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Sum - XpressDox
Add up repeating numbers using the Sum() function To simply add up all the numbers inside a ForEach, you can use the Sum() function as demonstrated below: «ForEach(Invoice_item)» «position()». «Desc»: «FormatNumber(Amount)» «End()» TOTAL: «FormatNumber(sum(Invoice_item/Amount))» «CaptureInGrid(Invoice_item,Yes)» Using some XPATH, you can add on to the above code snippet and...
Using XSLT functions - XpressDox
XpressDox uses XSLT technology to insert data elements into Merge Fields. This means that a vast amount of functionality is available to the experienced user, especially the XSLT functions, which are used to format data. XpressDox functions and XSLT functions can be mixed in one Merge Field