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Alphabetic List of XpressDox Commands and Functions
Commands / Functions in XpressDox Document Automation software. Here is a list containing every command / function available in the XpressDox Command Assistant, listed alphabetically. Command or Function Name Description and Examples AddBCCAddress Add BCC Address/es when saving as email (eml) «AddBCCAddress()» AddCCAddress Add CC Address/es when saving as...
List of XpressDox commands and functions by Category
All Commands and Functions listed by Category Email Command or Function Name Description and Examples AddBCCAddress Add a BCC email address when assembling to an email «AddBCCAddress()» AddCCAddress Add a CC address when assembling to an email «AddCCAddress()» AddToAddress Add a “To” email address when assembling to an email ...
CentsToCurrency - XpressDox
Convert a cents amount back to currency after use in calculations You can use this function in your XpressDox templates to convert a cents amount back to your currency e.g. 123456 to $1234.56 typically after use in calculations. Please read more about the use of this function at...
What is the difference between an XpressDox data element and a variable?
If you have come from a HotDocs background you might think that the difference between a data element and a variable is simply semantics. However, there are important differences you need to be aware of. As you probably know XpressDox makes use of XML as its underlying data structure and...
Using variables to calculate totals
XpressDox give the template author the ability to perform calculations and other operations on the values of data elements, and to store those values in variables for later use in the template. One example of this is the ability to calculate totals on repeated data elements.
Shortcuts when using variables
With effect from Version 7, there are a number of shortcuts for referring to some of the variable-handling functions. They were introduced to take away the amount of typing necessary when many variables are being used. A full list of the shortcuts is as follows: ::A - AppendVr ::G -...
SetV - XpressDox
SetV sets the value of an XpressDox variable. Reference material: Please read through this article to understand the difference between data elements and variables. And this article for an overview of working with variables in an XpressDox template. And for reference, here is a post containing a comprehensive list...
SetVr - XpressDox
SetVr sets the value of an XpressDox variable, and removes the paragraph. Reference material: Please read through this article to understand the difference between data elements and variables. And this article for an overview of working with variables in an XpressDox template. And for reference, here is a post...
Sum - XpressDox
Add up repeating numbers using the Sum() function To simply add up all the numbers inside a ForEach, you can use the Sum() function as demonstrated below: «ForEach(Invoice_item)» «position()». «Desc»: «FormatNumber(Amount)» «End()» TOTAL: «FormatNumber(sum(Invoice_item/Amount))» «CaptureInGrid(Invoice_item,Yes)» Using some XPATH, you can add on to the above code snippet and...